Healthy Strawberry Granita Recipe with BE Sweet™: A Guilt-Free Treat Finding a delicious, healthy, and guilt-free dessert can be challenging,...
The Ultimate Recipe for Gingery Dairy-Free, Sugar-Free, All-Natural Coconut "Nice Cream" Do you crave a refreshing treat that's dairy-free and...
Processed foods are pervasive in our diets today, and by now everyone knows to avoid them. If you are struggling...
Body Ecology's sugar-free and guilt-free healthy chocolate mousse tastes as good as the real thing. Our light and fluffy chocolate...
From sugary breakfast cereals to lunch boxes featuring processed meals to dinners followed by desserts brimming with sugar, it’s no...
We know that sugar isn't good for us. But just how much of an impact does that occasional treat have...
When it comes to food, I think the toughest thing for people to do is balance what they eat, and...
Will drinking coffee take a toll on your microbiome? An interesting 2009 study looked at the relationship between coffee and...
For my community: If you get on the list now, you'll get free access for 10 days to the Diabetes...
Whether it’s in your gut or on your teeth, bacteria survive and thrive in a structure that they create around...
If you've been trying to cut down on sugar intake by replacing it with artificial sweeteners, beware of their potential...
Here's one of my favorite interviews from our Genius of Your Genes Summit with my friend and colleague Dr. Ritamarie...
Hi friends, the cost of not understanding that your GUT is the gateway to health, energy and immunity is high...
For over 30 years, I said there is a Universal Law—The Principle of Uniqueness—that states that you are one of...
You’re likely familiar with some of the not-so-sweet health side effects of consuming too much sugar. But did you know...