

Do You Eat Out Often? How To Use Phages To

Just as we were writing about parasites last week, the media began reporting on an incident with romaine lettuce at...

I Have Parasites?!

“Have fun in Mexico! ...but don’t drink the water!” For most Americans, this warning comes to mind when they think...

Wild Mushroom & Leek Pizza with Crispy Cauliflower Crust

Even avid followers of the Body Ecology diet crave something indulgent once in a while. If you're in the mood...

Have You Let Your Guard Down? Now Is The Time

Raise your hand if you're sick of hearing about Covid? And the possibility of a new virus? Marburg? Monkeypox?  Yeah,...

An Integrated Approach to Keeping Your Immune System Strong

>>>Register today for the free event, Infections:  Eastern Wisdom Meets Modern Protocols<<< When struggling with chronic illness – parasites, Lyme...

Using Fasting & Nutrient-Dense Foods To Get Through The Next

Have you noticed more food shortages on your grocery store shelves lately? Between inflation, labor shortages, war, weather, and rising...

Is Your Lymphatic System Struggling? Know The Signs

>>>>>Register for the summit here<<<<<   Inside your body, there is a superhighway of channels and nodes that plays a...

Monkeypox: Be Prepared — Not Panicked

You've likely heard of the next scary virus to be worried about: monkeypox. Here's what you need to know about...

New findings: Lack of certain friendly gut bacteria may worsen

COVID-19 has made the human immune system a household conversation. And many have done their own research and found that...

What science is saying about blood type and COVID-19

Recent research is suggesting that your blood type may affect your risk of getting COVID-19 and could influence the severity...

How glutamine may help you recover from COVID-19

L-glutamine is an amino acid. In fact, it’s the most plentiful amino acid in the human body. It participates in...

A guide for treating MARCoNS – a nasal staph infection

MARCoNS: Just a glance at the acronym looks like trouble. MARCoNS stands for multiple-antibiotic resistant coagulase-negative Staphylococci -- which means...

Do you have an undetected MARCoNS infection affecting your energy?

So, what is MARCoNS, and why the name? Why have you not heard about it before, and should you be...

Study shows fermented vegetables enhance effectiveness of vaccines

In August of 2020, an important study (especially from Body Ecology’s point of view) was released.1 It examined the adjuvant...

If you choose to vaccinate: BE prepared (and not just

*Please note, this article series is meant to provide you with information on how to strengthen your immune system in...

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