
Fermented Foods

Feel “Tired All the Time” (or Close to It)? The

Do you feel tired and sluggish all the time? Have you ever wanted to go right back to bed after...

Why All of Your Opinions are Incorrect (and How Recognizing

There is a favorite saying I often pull out when someone I'm talking to offers an opinion on a given...

How to Help Your Body Recover If You Drink Too

This little-known condition may be the reason for your alcohol and sugar addiction. Find out how the Body Ecology program...

How to Travel Healthy

Summertime means vacation, but how do you eat healthy while you are traveling? While you're on vacation, you want to...

Want to Boost Your Liver’s Health? Three Powerful Natural Foods

Did you know that your liver performs over 500 functions? It’s true! The body’s largest internal organ and largest gland...

An urgent warning for anyone who’s ever taken antibiotics or

Antibiotics can be lifesaving, but when used frequently or for long periods, they can be harmful. It's amazing that although...

Body Ecology’s Guide to the Top Natural Menopause Treatments

By eating vitamin and mineral rich foods, exploring nutritional herbs, and getting plenty of rest and exercise, you can avoid...

Agave vs honey & other natural sweeteners: Which are actually

Honey, one of the natural sweeteners, shouldn't be consumed by people with candidiasis or blood sugar problems. Read here about...

The Healthy Benefits to You of Eating Fruits and Vegetables

Pesticides and toxins used on conventional fruit and vegetable farms make you sick. Read about how to choose healthier fruits...

How to Use Probiotics as a Quick & Highly Effective

If you've ever had diarrhea, then you know how uncomfortable the frequent, loose stools can be. Even worse, they are...

Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms & Solutions: What You Need to Know

If you are over the age of 50, your odds go up for osteoporosis, and if you are under the...

Why the Body Ecology Diet is Ideal to Lower Cholesterol

You've heard the hype: high cholesterol can put you at risk for heart disease and stroke. In fact, an estimated...

Why Dannon Activia,® a probiotic yogurt for restoring gut health,

With all the buzz about the health benefits of yogurt, sauerkraut, and other fermented foods, how do you choose the...

Quick & easy guide to Body Ecology: What to eat

Think you don't have enough time to eat healthily? Our tips and easy recipes can show you how to create...

Too Much Fiber? The Wrong Kind of Fiber? Body Ecology

Leonard Smith, M.D., is a renowned gastrointestinal, vascular and general surgeon as well as an expert in the use of...

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