
Why the Body Ecology Diet is Ideal to Lower Cholesterol LDL Levels and Raise HDL Levels

You’ve heard the hype: high cholesterol can put you at risk for heart disease and stroke.

In fact, an estimated 141.8 million Americans have high cholesterol (above 200 mg/dL).1 So how can you lower your cholesterol and decrease your risk for illness and disease?

If you are worried about your cholesterol levels, then raw onions could help! The pungent vegetable can actually increase your HDL levels (the “good” cholesterol).

Good Cholesterol vs. Bad Cholesterol

First, you need to understand more about the different kinds of cholesterol.

  • HDL (high density lipoprotein) is known as the“good” cholesterol because it can remove cholesterol from your arteries and take it back to your liver to be processed.2
  • The higher your HDL levels, the lower your risk for heart disease.
  • LDL (low density lipoprotein) is commonly called the “bad” cholesterol and is a good indicator of your risk for fatal heart attacks, stroke, and heart disease.3

    Low LDL cholesterol levels are desirable to prevent disease.

In recent years, most doctors have emphasized lowering your LDL cholesterol levels to reduce your risk for heart disease, but new research indicates that HDL levels may be a better predictor of health.4

Body Ecology and Your Cholesterol

Fortunately, Body Ecology provides excellent ways to raise your HDL levels AND lower your LDL levels.

Here are some great Body Ecology tips to raise your HDL levels:

Eat eggs! Contrary to popular belief, eggs do NOT raise the bad cholesterol levels that contribute to heart disease.5 Body Ecology recommends eating eggs to give your body essential nutrients and fatty acids.

Exercise regularly. Like all health educators today, Donna Gates, the creator of the Body Ecology System of Health and Healing, is a proponent of regular exercise because it stimulates digestion and elimination, increased growth hormone and DHEA levels to keep us young and also reduces stress. Exercise also helps raise your HDL levels! Find exercise that is enjoyable and do it regularly. A fun and easy way to tone your muscles, stimulate immunity, clean your lymph system and keep your heart healthy is rebounding.

Get plenty of niacin. Niacin has been linked to improved HDL levels. Pasture-fed chicken is an excellent source of dietary niacin and provides excellent lean protein. The Body Ecology grain-like seed, millet, is a good source of niacin. Find out more about millet nutrition.

Try raw onions. Research shows that half a raw onion per day can raise your HDL levels. And did you know that onions are a prebiotic (food for healthy microflora)?

But raising your HDL levels is not enough. You still need to keep your LDL levels in a healthy range.

If you have elevated LDL cholesterol levels, try these methods to bring your LDL down:

  • Consume fermented foods and drinks. A delicious feel-good fermented drink on the Body Ecology program is milk kefir. Kefir made from cow’s milk is a good source of folic acid (goat’s milk is not.) Folic acid helps make choline in your body, a substance that dissolves fat and cholesterol and is an important brain nutrient.
  • Get plenty of Conjugated Linoleic Acid (or CLA). CLA is an essential fatty acid that comes from animal products and can lower your LDL cholesterol levels. Make sure that you choose high quality meats from animals raised on organic green grass and follow the 80/20 rule: 20% of your meal from animal protein and 80% from vegetables.
  • Eat lots of raw vegetables and boost your fiber intake. Include daikon radishes, raw vegetables, ginger and garlic in your diet. High fiber diets not only enhance your digestion and help you lose weight, they can also lower your LDL levels. Daikon radish (that looks like a large white carrot) is very popular in the Japan because it helps digest fats and oils protecting the health of your liver. You will also find it served to you in Japanese restaurants. It is not a pretty “garnish,” so be sure to eat it all if your liver is important to you.
  • Avoid processed foods. Breads, flours, grains, pastas, alcohol and sugar can all contribute to elevated LDL levels. Body Ecology’s system for health and healing gives you plenty of ideas for meals that release you from processed foods and cravings, so you can enjoy whole foods and great health!

If you want to learn more ways to enhance your health, build immunity and lower your cholesterol, then be sure to read the latest edition of The Body Ecology Diet.

Cholesterol levels are just one indicator of your total health, and Body Ecology can help you create overall wellness, while lowering the bad LDL cholesterol levels.

Use these Body Ecology tips to bring your cholesterol into normal range, lowering your risk for heart disease and boosting your overall immunity as well!


  1. Cholesterol Statistics. American Heart Association.
  2. HDL and LDL Cholesterol: What’s bad and what’s good? http://www.americanheart.org/presenter.jhtml?identifier=180
  3. High Cholesterol? The Top 12 Non-drug Ways to Increase Your HDL Levels, SixWise.com.
  4. High Cholesterol?
  5. Warner, Jennifer. Eating Eggs Daily May Not Be Risky for Heart. WebMD News.
  6. Strategies to Raise HDL Cholesterol Levels, MedicineWorld.org.
  7. High Cholesterol?
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