
Fermented Foods

Q&A with Donna Gates: When Do Eggs, Meats, Fermented Foods

Many of us look for the "use by" dates on packages of meat, eggs, and dairy products as an indicator...

Enemas: Is this the recovery tool you’re not using yet?

Most people greet the notion of home enemas with a wince and a snicker. But knowing the benefits of an...

Why Pregnant Mothers – and Any Woman Who Someday MIGHT

Pregnancy is a time to celebrate the creation of life. And let’s face it cravings are often a part of...

Low stomach acid fatigue: The risks, symptoms & solutions

The multi-billion dollar antacid industry has you believing that stomach acid is bad for you. As you age, your stomach...

How, when & why to introduce babies to probiotics

It's okay if your baby gives you a funny look the first time you give her fermented vegetable juice. Getting...

Spirulina: Why It’s Said to Be One of The World’s

Spirulina is one of the world's oldest foods, and is known as a true superfood in every sense of the...

Clearing the Health Jungle: Choosing from the Heart

Charles Eisenstein is a yogi, author, speaker, and spiritual intuitive. His background includes a degree in mathematics and philosophy from...

“Gluten” and “Gluten-Free” – What These Terms REALLY Mean and

As yummy as this bread basket looks, each morsel could potentially be destroying your intestines. Do you think you might...

What Type of Bottles, Containers & Other Packaging is Most

Drinking water should be healthy for you, but some plastic water bottles may leach a dangerous chemical into your water...

The complete Body Ecology guide to organizing your kitchen for

The right tips for menu planning and learning to organize your kitchen make getting healthy so much easier. When beginning...

Why Fermented Foods May Help Reduce the Toxic Mercury in

Mercury toxicity is big news these days, and your body could be burdened by mercury and other heavy metals...possibly without...

The Body Ecology Guide to the Healthiest Nuts (and the

Nuts contain concentrated nutrients; after all, they have enough energy to grow an entire new plant. But some nuts are...

Barley Grass, Alfalfa and the Other Healthiest Grasses You Should

Nutritional grasses are complete foods ready to blast your body with a stream of nutrients that will keep it strong...

There Are Too Many Health Benefits of Green Tea to

There's nothing like a good cup of tea. From the moment its warmth hits your lips and soothes its way...

How A Woman’s Body – and Her Baby – Thrived

Deborah used Body Ecology principles to have a healthy pregnancy and gave birth to a vibrant and happy baby! Did...

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