

The Surprising Connection Between Celiac Disease/Gluten Intolerance & Poor Bone

If you have celiac disease, you might be surprised to learn that you have a 69% increased risk of hip...

Why ‘Fructan’ – Not ‘Gluten’ – May Be The Cause

Are you one of the many millions who are now avoiding wheat? With all the attention on celiac disease and...

Is this stealth nasal infection linked to leaky gut?

MARCoNS stands for multiple-antibiotic resistant coagulase-negative Staphylococci, and a MARCoNS infection has been linked to a range of chronic health...

What are oxalates in food doing to your body? It’s

When your gut bacteria are out of whack, this can contribute to oxalate sensitivity. Body Ecology's Culture Starter provides healthy, beneficial...

Are a baby’s gut bacteria the secret to growing healthier

A month after birth, Bifidobacteria probiotic organisms dominate a healthy, breastfed baby’s gut — making up as much as 91...

How 1 Square of Dark Chocolate Can Help You Kick

Gluten-free is just a trend…  This is the argument we hear from skeptics or from people who may eat gluten...

The Body Ecology Beginner’s Guide to Going Gluten-Free

Myth? Fad? Or reality? Signs of gluten sensitivity tend to show up within hours to days of eating gluten. Each...

Holiday Weight Gain: 5 Doable Ways to Avoid the Bulge

How much weight do we really gain around the holidays (and do we even want to know)? Controlling sugar cravings...

Want Your New Year’s Resolution to Work? Start Now with

Why do New Year's Resolutions often get postponed? Why do we keep abandoning our important goals? Most resolutions fail because...

One weight loss mistake you don’t know you’re making |

Let's chat about weight loss and probiotics.  It began with two mice—one skinny, one overweight. Scientists moved the gut bacteria...

3 Ways to Avoid the Paleo Plateau and Lose Stubborn

When you eat like a caveman, you get rid of foods that challenge the immune system—like wheat gluten and milk...

4 Steps to Say Goodbye to Acne

Why do we use antibacterial creams and harsh soaps when acne begins deep inside the body? Acne isn’t just skin...

Beyond Gluten: Are You Having Trouble with Cross-Reactive Foods?

Recently, on the Body Ecology Facebook Fan Page, Justine P. asked: “Hi there, I'm a bit confused as BE says...

How to Digest Gluten: New Research Gives Hope to Celiac

In a recent study, researchers at the University of León discovered that bacteria living in the gut of healthy volunteers...

5 gut-smart ways to put an end to uncomfortable bloating

We frequently get questions from our Facebook and Instagram communities about what you can do about bloating and indigestion. Read...

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