

Your Gut Can Influence How You Feel: It All Starts

In the most recent issue of Psychology Today, Dan Hurley explores the fascinating connection between the brain and the gut...

Are You an Emotional Eater? How to Use Food to

A cup of coffee to brighten your morning, a glass of wine with dinner to unwind, a pint of Häagen-Dazs...

Parasite alert: 3 warning signs to watch out for

The defining characteristic of a parasite is being an organism that benefits at the expense of another. While this seems...

Why Fermented Foods May Be the Next Big Antidepressant

Gut microbes may influence your behavior. Researchers have now confirmed what once seemed impossible: Microbes generate neurochemicals! Research is starting...

A Key to Healing Your Gut: How to Alleviate Chronic

A permeable gut can present itself in a multitude of different ways. What begins in the gut can very easily...

Eat to Boost Your Mood!

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is associated with mood regulation, gut motility, sleep, appetite, and pain modulation. What do low...

6 Warning Signs Your Body Needs to Detox

Don’t get comfortable with not feeling well. Everyday stress is one contributor to poor health. But there’s a bright side....

13 Celebrities with Illnesses and How Body Ecology Could Help

Celebrities entertain and these days, also educate us on the illnesses they face. Find out about the illnesses that your...

How to Take Care of Your Physical AND Emotional Health

Fall is just around the corner, although to some, it may feel autumn weather already! In Chinese medicine, fall is...

Zinc Deficiency: Common Symptoms of this Far-Too-Common Disorder & How

You may not know it, but there's a good chance that, like many Westerners, you aren't getting enough zinc in...

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