

Say Goodbye to Symptoms of Fatigue

Do you wake up tired and lack energy most of the day? Is deep, restful sleep an issue? Are your...

Monkeypox: Be Prepared — Not Panicked

You've likely heard of the next scary virus to be worried about: monkeypox. Here's what you need to know about...

7 unexpected ways to manage depression without medication

Everyone gets sad from time to time, but for people who experience ongoing feelings of unhappiness, hopelessness, and low energy,...

[New summit] Learn how to access the parasympathetic state

Are you looking to find calm in the middle of this crazy storm?  Ever hear of the parasympathetic branch of...

Unlock this 21-page Guide to the Parasympathetic State

The parasympathetic state is critical to health and longevity. Unlock Jodi Cohen’s 21-page eGuide, Turn on Your Body’s Ability to Heal,...

Don’t Miss The Anxiety Summit 6

We all experience anxiety. It’s your body’s natural (and normal) response to a threat.  A signal that something in your life...

Take Back Control of Your Life: Addressing Your Own Uniqueness

I've been watching intently as the country re-opens, and talking with friends, family and colleagues as we move along. The...

The number ONE most underexposed risk factor for ALL chronic

There are over 400 million people worldwide suffering from chronic gut conditions including symptoms of bloating, painful gas, diarrhea, constipation,...

Copper and Zinc Imbalances in Mental Disorders

For those with Mental Disorders, Behavior Disorders, ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, and Other Brain Disorders... Dr. William J. Walsh, an internationally...

[Important] Special Documentary on Autoimmune Disease

This is the autoimmune disease key to health that you’re not hearing about. Dr. Tom O’Bryan’s Docu-Series, “Betrayal: The Autoimmune Disease Solution...

4 Steps to Say Goodbye to Acne

Why do we use antibacterial creams and harsh soaps when acne begins deep inside the body? Acne isn’t just skin...

5 Ways to Combat Stress Eating

Emotional eating is when we eat for any reason other than to nourish the body. It’s when emotions or memories...

8 essential ways to manage symptoms of candida die-off

As we choose foods that starve candida and other opportunistic bugs, yeast and bacteria cells die. When they die, they...

All about food combining! Questions from the Body Ecology community

Jenni, a reader of the Body Ecology newsletter, recently asked about the Body Ecology Principle of Food Combining. Jenni asks:...

Are You at Risk for Iodine Deficiency?

Researchers at Mount Sinai Medical Center recently released numbers of pregnant women that may suffer from iodine deficiency — even...

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