
Mindful Eating: How To Transform Your Life One Bite At

By Donna Gates, as seen on: Do you eat your meals quickly so you can get back to what you...

Increase Your Well-Being With The Body Ecology Diet

By Donna Gates, as seen on: There are about 100 million people in the U.S. who deal with digestive disorders....

5 Steps to Control Your Genes and Your Destiny

By Donna Gates, as seen on: Bruce Lipton, author of The Biology of Belief, is one on my personal heroes....

How One Food Will Change Your Life

By Donna Gates, as seen on: Did you know you are technically more microbiota (bacteria and yeast) than you are...

Fall in Love With Fermented Foods and Lose Weight

By Donna Gates, as seen on: Setting the intention to look your best in a swimsuit this summer? For too...

Be Healthy From The Inside Out – Here’s How

By Donna Gates, as seen on: Are you aware that most pharmaceutical companies have stopped developing antibiotics? Before I touch...

Being Ultra Healthy Is Easier Than You Think

By Donna Gates, as seen on: Imagine a world where people aged slowly, had strong immune systems and digested all...

10 Action Tips for Supporting Your Body & the Planet’s

By Donna Gates, as seen on: Why have we become addicted to foods that taste good yet make us feel...

Diet Myths Revealed! Simple Guidelines for Healthy Food Choices

With a little experimentation and planning, following the Body Ecology principles can be easy. We have all been there. Unsure...

Learn to Listen to Your Body: Everyday Diet Tips to

If you are new to the Body Ecology Diet or yo-yo on and off the diet, you may wonder, “How...

Can Bacteria Transplant Therapy Remedy Life-Threatening Infections?

On a daily basis, scientific studies emerge that further refine our understanding of gut microbiota. This friendly bacteria that take...

Healing Gut Permeability: What You Need to Know

Brush border enzymes are embedded in the tiny microvilli of the small intestine. The small intestine, with a surface area...

A must-read for athletes: Help for exercise burnout and weakened

A 2011 study published in the Nutrition Journal revealed that competitive male cyclists using a probiotic supplement had a 50-percent...

Is Dr. Oz Right? The Truth About the Latest Anti-Aging

Recently, a powerful phytochemical, called astaxanthin, has been in the public eye more than ever before. On the Dr. Oz...

Dangers of Drug-Resistant Bacteria in Our Food

Staphylococcus aureus is a common little bug and a normal part of skin flora. It is the culprit in what...

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