

Arsenic in Our Food Supply: Which “Healthy” Food May Be

Inorganic arsenic can be as much as 600 times more toxic than some forms of organic arsenic. Over the last...

Women’s Health Update: This Toxin Puts You at Risk for

Acetaldehyde is a common chemical that you can find in both the natural world and as a part of industrial...

Be Your Best You! Cleansing With the Seasons!

By Donna Gates, as seen on: As the winter season approaches, many of us are given once last chance to...

The Essence Of All Healing Is Love: A Meditation To

By Donna Gates, as seen on: Did you know that studies are now finding a definite biochemical relationship between what...

Is Your Weight Gain Tied to Adrenal Dysfunction? 3 Steps

What happens when you are halfway through your day, and your energy plummets? Often, people turn to coffee, chocolate, and...

Four Steps To Cleanse Toxic People And Thoughts!

By Donna Gates, as seen on: Sometimes when we experience a massive shift in our mental, emotional or spiritual life,...

Must-Avoid Foods: Linking GMO to Toxicity and Disease

GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) have been found to: Generate intestinal damage. Create food allergies, a sign of immune system dysfunction....

Premature Birth and a Healthy Digestive Tract: 4 Steps of

Early this May, the first-ever national, regional, and global estimates of preterm birth were reported. It turns out that 15...

Cleansing To Create A New You

By Donna Gates, as seen on: When we think of detoxification, the first thing that comes to mind for most...

Detox Tips to Build Your Immunity in Nature

As the days become longer and the outdoors more inviting, many of us feel the urge to detox, cleanse, and...

Cleansing Environmental Toxicity and Heavy Metals

Over the last several generations, we have seen the emergence of a new kind of disease mechanism: environmental toxicity. At...

Feeling Like It’s Time for a Cleanse? The Top 5

In an ideal world, our diet and our environment would be toxin-free. There would be little need to tackle a...

Preventing Kidney Disease: 2 Quick Tips to Support Kidney Health

If the idea of a probiotic for kidney health sounds like a stretch, take comfort that most of us do...

Functional medicine: A whole-body approach to autoimmune conditions

Functional medicine is a form of Western alternative medicine that views the body as one whole, integrated system. Using functional medicine...

Biofilm: How This Slimy Coating Is Causing Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia,

Whether it is in our gut or on our teeth, bacteria survive and thrive in a structure that they create...

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