

Start Your Morning Right: Delicious Smoothie Recipe

At Body Ecology, we emphasize the importance of a healthy inner ecosystem. Beneficial microflora help to regulate digestive function and...

How glutamine may help you recover from COVID-19

L-glutamine is an amino acid. In fact, it’s the most plentiful amino acid in the human body. It participates in...

Is This At the Root of Your Fatigue?

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is often described as relentless, disabling, and unexplained fatigue. Anxiety is one classic sign of chronic...

Goodbye, Sugar Cravings! What Drives Sugar Cravings and How to

Are sugar cravings simply a matter of willpower? As it turns out, your daily sugar fix may have more to...

The Truth About Acne, Stress, and Constipation

Question: What do acne, mood disorders, and constipation all have in common? Emotional stress affects all aspects of digestion. Answer:...

Cleansing for Weight Loss: Purge Toxins and Regulate Hormones

Most of us know that too much fat anywhere in the body increases our risk for a number of diseases....

Can These 3 Foods Help You Say Goodbye to Acne?

A large percentage of Americans—over 80%—struggle with acne on a daily basis. Good gut bacteria can help heal inflamed skin....

Dr. Oz’s Leaky Gut Protocol: What Works and What’s Missing!

Daytime talk show host and medical doctor Mehmet Oz recently did a show on leaky gut and the health disorders...

Why Wait for the New Year for a New You?

In traditions worldwide, families celebrate the time around the winter solstice with holidays, such as Christmas and Chanukah. In one...

Top 6 Signs of Celiac Disease

Are any of these symptoms familiar? Recurring headaches or migraines Fatigue and body weakness Skin disorders, rashes, or allergies Moodiness,...

Bone Broth: Heal Your Gut and Lose Cellulite!

Have you noticed that modern convenience has abandoned traditional foods? Most of what is available to eat today, whether from...

Healing Leaky Gut: Prevent Chronic Inflammation

What causes leaky gut? A permeable gut, commonly known as leaky gut, is not caused by one single factor. Often,...

How to Change Your Health Now: Introducing the Core Programs

If you have been on the Body Ecology Diet for any length of time, you may have found yourself “cheating”...

Learn to Listen to Your Body: Everyday Diet Tips to

If you are new to the Body Ecology Diet or yo-yo on and off the diet, you may wonder, “How...

Healing Gut Permeability: What You Need to Know

Brush border enzymes are embedded in the tiny microvilli of the small intestine. The small intestine, with a surface area...

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