
food combining

Secrets to overcoming candida (for good)

Tess Masters, The Blender Girl, created an empire on showing people how to use a blender to create gut-friendly, healthy,...

5 easy clues that can help you decide how much

When I speak on saturated fat, I usually get plenty of questions. As I have said, “A high saturated fat...

When Is Gas a Sign of Declining Health?

You, like so many people, may be looking for gas relief. Gas after meals is often a sign of poor...

All about food combining! Questions from the Body Ecology community

Jenni, a reader of the Body Ecology newsletter, recently asked about the Body Ecology Principle of Food Combining. Jenni asks:...

Top 5 Causes of Belly Bloat

Feeling bloated immediately after a meal or a few hours after a meal isn’t normal. But it is common. When...

Making Thanksgiving Healthy: Is One Day of Overeating Really a

Many families see Thanksgiving as a time to consume more food and drink than the body can handle. Dietary principles,...

Why MyPlate Shouldn’t Be Your Plate: The Truth Behind Weight

The USDA recently released new food guidelines. Goodbye, food pyramid. The new guidelines are illustrated by a plate that is...

The Principle of Food Combining Part 2: Fruit-ful Advice

Our Complete Spotlight on Body Ecology Series! Exhausted? Overweight? Under the Weather? The Body Ecology Principles Hold the Key to...

The food combining diet: The Body Ecology principle of food

The purpose behind food combining is so straightforward that it can be easy to miss. Food combining is about improving...

Father’s Day Chili Cook-Off: 2 Healthy Chili Recipes Dad Will

Dong Quai, our delicious probiotic beverage made from the Chinese herbal blood tonic is a great addition to any meal...

Your Seven-Step Guide to Better Digestion

Are you one of the 70 million Americans suffering from digestive diseases, like Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), ulcerative colitis,...

How to Increase Serotonin Naturally: Part II of “How Happiness

In part 1 of this 2-part series, I highlighted the importance of serotonin, “the happiness hormone,” including how your brain makes...

How You Can Do Body Ecology RAW! An Interview With

Find out why doing a raw foods diet... Body Ecology style... could be the physical, emotional and spiritual health secret...

What causes gas? Learn more about food that causes gas

Experiencing flatulence on a regular basis can be both embarrassing and painful. Fermented foods and drinks are the cornerstone of...

Healthy Restaurant Review: EVOS – Feel Good Fast Food

Sometimes fast food is tempting, even if you are following the Body Ecology diet. Fast food can be quick, easy...

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