
Leaky Gut

3 steps to keep your immune system strong and prevent

While getting a cold or a stomach flu is typically more of an annoyance than anything, for some of us,...

Alleviating Chronic Inflammation Naturally

Many of us know about the cardinal signs of inflammation. In the medical field, inflammation is detected by the presence...

Help! How Do I Lose Those Extra Pounds?

Having trouble losing that extra belly fat? While we associate belly fat with being overweight, have you ever noticed that...

Are You an Emotional Eater? How to Use Food to

A cup of coffee to brighten your morning, a glass of wine with dinner to unwind, a pint of Häagen-Dazs...

Lectins: The Anti-Nutrient

If you have any kind of immune sensitivity or autoimmune condition, achy joints, moodiness, gut disharmony, memory loss, or are...

Kefir Grains and Your Health

What Are Kefir Grains? Kefir grains are small living communities of bacteria, yeast, and kefiran, existing in solid, gummy, grain-like...

From Acne to Radiant Skin in 4 Steps

Acne is painful, and many of us do not like the appearance of blemishes on the skin. Acne is a...

Healing Leaky Gut: Prevent Chronic Inflammation

What causes leaky gut? A permeable gut, commonly known as leaky gut, is not caused by one single factor. Often,...

What’s Causing Food Allergies?

A new study recently announced that an estimated 1 out of 12 children in the United States has a food...

A must-read for athletes: Help for exercise burnout and weakened

A 2011 study published in the Nutrition Journal revealed that competitive male cyclists using a probiotic supplement had a 50-percent...

Removing Stress from Your Diet Can Promote Healthy Digestion!

Maybe you have kids to feed. Or a business to run. Maybe there has been some kind of dramatic change...

The Secret Side Effect of Antidepressants You May Not Know

Did you know that antidepressants might cause weight gain? You can protect yourself from these harmful side effects by understanding...

This Low-Oxalate Solution Could Reduce Your Chronic Pain

If you're suffering from chronic pain or inflammation, it could be due to natural chemicals called oxalates, found in many...

Why Celiacs (Those with Celiac Disease) & Those with Gluten

More and more people are looking for gluten free alternatives to bread, cereals, and wheat products. Find out the missing...

6 Signs of Gallbladder Dysfunction (And 6 Ways to Avoid

Chances are, you know you have a gallbladder – but do you know what it does or where it is, for...

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