
fermented food

Kefir Recipes: A Delicious Introduction to Fermented Dairy

. This traditionally fermented food has gone mainstream. In the health world, and even in the commercial food market, tart...

Kimchi — the probiotic superstar that’s a must for allergies

“Let food be thy medicine,” the saying begins. Like many quotes that have found their way into our contemporary lexicon,...

Everything you never knew about fish sauce (but have wanted

If you’re new to cooking, you may come across a recipe that calls for fish sauce. You might be thinking:...

Here’s the fermented fish sauce we swear by

Dynasty. It’s a powerful word. Traditionally, a dynasty meant generations of inherited rulers of a country or a progression of...

Suffering from post-COVID gut issues? Research points to yeast.

Experts are gradually learning more about the ways gut health has been impacted in patients who’ve recovered from COVID-19. The...

Study shows fermented vegetables enhance effectiveness of vaccines

In August of 2020, an important study (especially from Body Ecology’s point of view) was released.1 It examined the adjuvant...

Part 2: Do this if you’re sensitive to histamine

There are several ways to reduce histamine intake and the overall level of biogenic amines (BAs) in food and in...

Having histamine problems? There’s something you need to know: Part

You probably know the effects of histamine all too well. Histamines are a biogenic amine that’s present in a wide...

Stock your survival pantry with affordable, gut-friendly food

If you live in an area prone to or at risk for earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding, wildfires, or other disasters...

Why we’re big on beets: All about Nitric Oxide (NO)

On top of being downright delicious, beets offer a great way to boost the performance of your most energy-intensive tissues,...

Psychobiotics: How fermented foods lift your spirits and lower stress

The microbiome has a profound influence on many bodily systems and while much of the focus has been on the...

Basic Steps to Take Today to Lower Inflammation in the

Inflammation. You hear about it all the time, always associated with immunity.  Why? Inflammation is your body’s way of responding...

Science Says There Are 6 Reasons to Eat More Fermented

Are you being good to your gut? Poor digestion is your gut’s way of telling you something’s wrong. But many...

Do kefir’s pro-immunity benefits live up to the hype?

Kefir is a traditional drink that has been popular for hundreds — if not thousands — of years. It originally...

Are You Eating Too Much Fruit?

Many of us know about the health benefits found in fruit. Mother Nature has the unique ability to create foods...

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