
Leaky Gut

Can Genetics Explain an Unhealthy Gut?

Recent research into genetics has revealed that our genetic makeup influences our gut health as much as diet and lifestyle....

4 Steps to Say Goodbye to Acne

Why do we use antibacterial creams and harsh soaps when acne begins deep inside the body? Acne isn’t just skin...

Hashimoto’s Unlocked: The Key to a Sluggish Thyroid

Hashimoto’s disease isn’t just a name we use to describe hypothyroidism, or an underactive thyroid. Women, especially after pregnancy and...

How Candida Manipulates Your Biology: 4 Ways to Fight Back!

The more we rely on antifungal drugs, the more we contribute to the spread of drug-resistant strains. Candida is an...

5 Ways to Combat Stress Eating

Emotional eating is when we eat for any reason other than to nourish the body. It’s when emotions or memories...

Beyond Gluten: Are You Having Trouble with Cross-Reactive Foods?

Recently, on the Body Ecology Facebook Fan Page, Justine P. asked: “Hi there, I'm a bit confused as BE says...

Can Fermented Foods Help to Eliminate Candida?

On the Body Ecology Facebook fan page, Wendy S. asked a great question about fermented foods and Candida: “Hi, I...

Is Your Liver Making You Fat?

Oxidative stress in the liver makes it easier to put on extra weight. If you would like to lose weight,...

The Low FODMAP Diet Warning for IBS and SIBO Sufferers

The payoff of the FODMAP diet is reduced gas, bloating, and cramping. The cost is that you forevermore avoid a...

Are Gluten-Free Flours Easy to Digest?

On the Body Ecology Facebook fan page, we recently talked about flour products:  Flour is never a gut healthy food...

How to Protect Your Body from Insufficient Sleep

Lost sleep may be harming you more than you think. Probiotics and prebiotics can help reduce the harmful effects of...

When Is Gas a Sign of Declining Health?

You, like so many people, may be looking for gas relief. Gas after meals is often a sign of poor...

Is Rosacea Connected to Your Gut Health?

While it may not seem like your skin would have a relationship with your digestive system, we know now that...

3 Reasons to Love Aloe Vera: Plus a Bonus Recipe!

Aloe vera is a succulent plant. It grows all over the globe and has enjoyed centuries of fame. Extracts of...

Is This At the Root of Your Fatigue?

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is often described as relentless, disabling, and unexplained fatigue. Anxiety is one classic sign of chronic...

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