
General Health

Conscious Parenting with Meg Brown: 5 Ways to Boost Your

At Body Ecology, our mission is to improve the health and happiness of adults and children. Along the way, we...

Diverticulitis: The Symptoms, Causes and the Body Ecology Approach

Whether you’re on this side of 60 or the other, you need to get serious about preventing diverticulosis. Follow Body...

The New Zealand Breakthrough in Anti-Aging, Disease-Fighting and Digestive Health

Everyone, from pregnant women (or any woman planning to have a baby!) to baby boomers can benefit from the anti-aging,...

The Last Unexplored Frontier of Holistic Health & Living

"Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian Spring" - Alexander Pope "Holistic" health has moved through various stages of evolution...

Conscious Parenting with Meg Brown: The Perfect Gift

At Body Ecology, our mission is to improve the health and happiness of adultsand children. Along the way, wediscovered Meg...

Soy allergy? Fermenting takes the ‘allergy’ out of soy &

Food allergies affect approximately 32 million Americans.1 And it seems they are on the rise, impacting a higher percentage of...

How to Take Care of Your Physical AND Emotional Health

Fall is just around the corner, although to some, it may feel autumn weather already! In Chinese medicine, fall is...

Think Zinc! How to Ensure You are Getting Enough of

Zinc is one of those minerals that you need at every stage of life. Want to have a healthy baby...

You Asked, We Answer: Why is the Omega-3 in Fish

Fish oil or flaxseed oil? All sources of omega-3 fatty acids are NOT the same. You need heart healthy omega-3...

How to Prevent and Heal Heart Disease & Other Diseases

Hear a good joke today? Don’t hold back when it comes to laughing. Research shows that people who laugh may...

The 6 Benefits of Monounsaturated Fats (MUFAs)

Good fats, bad fats, what’s the difference? With all the nutritional information out there it can be tough to keep...

The Body Ecology Guide to Frequency & Timing on 4

Are you having trouble fitting your health into your busy schedule? In our modern world, living a healthy lifestyle can...

How to Have a Happy New Year: Breaking Through The

Here is a crucial question to answer: who deserves your commitment to be happy? An obvious first answer is that...

5 Unusual Leafy Green Vegetables You Should Know (and Eat!)

Sure, salad is great, but if you want to add some delightful variety to your meals, these little-known and nutritious...

How the Right Probiotics Can Help Prevent and Overcome Asthma

Babies have fragile immune systems, and antibiotics can put them at risk for diseases like asthma. Did you know that...

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