
Think Zinc! How to Ensure You are Getting Enough of This Essential Mineral

Zinc is one of those minerals that you need at every stage of life. Want to have a healthy baby or live a long and vibrant life? Zinc helps babies develop healthy nervous systems and keeps older folks mentally alert for years.

Before birth and throughout your lifetime, your body needs zinc, a trace element that helps with proper development and metabolism.

Zinc also plays a role in keeping your immune system healthy and strong.

Zinc is essential for:1

  • Nervous system development
  • Strong immunity
  • Fast wound healing
  • A keen sense of taste and smell
  • Manufacturing DNA
  • Development of reproductive organs
  • Fighting infections

Unfortunately, many folks overlook this trace mineral and are at risk for zinc deficiency, especially growing kids.

You may be zinc deficient for two reasons:

  • You do not take in enough zinc from your diet and/or supplements.
  • Your body does not efficiently absorb zinc (and other nutrients).

Eating a Standard American Diet full of processed foods and sugar depletes your body of minerals like zinc. Additionally, the fruits and vegetables grown in our nutrient-depleted ) soil no longer have the same minerals that our ancestors thrived on.

For these two reasons, our diets are frequently deficient in zinc.

And even if you do take in sufficient amounts of zinc, your body may not be able to absorb and use it. Your intestines are where valuable nutrients like zinc are absorbed, and if you do not have a healthy gut, then your body cannot use the vitamins and minerals that a healthy diet provides.

Other factors, too, can influence your zinc absorption.

In general, you may be at risk for zinc deficiency if you have experienced:2

  • Gastrointestinal surgery
  • Digestive disorders
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrom (IBS)
  • Alcoholism
  • Chronic diarrhea

Regardless of the causes of zinc deficiency, the physical effects range from mild to severe and can mimic other illnesses.

The following conditions are linked to low zinc levels:3

  • Esophageal cancer
  • Heart disease
  • Growth retardation
  • Hair loss
  • Diarrhea
  • Impotence
  • Weight loss
  • Delayed healing
  • Mental fatigue

If you want to create more vibrant health, avoid these conditions, and enhance your immunity, then you need to be taking in and absorbing your dietary zinc.

The Body Ecology system for health and healing can be rich in dietary zinc, and our unique approach emphasizes healing your gut to improve absorption of all vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, including zinc!

Are you absorbing all the vitamins and nutrients you need? The Body Ecology system ensures that your intestines take in more of the vitamins and nutrients you need, from A to zinc. Get your copy of The Body Ecology Diet (with FREE bonus) and get healthier today!

Body Ecology: A to Zinc

Body Ecology teaches that mineral deficiencies (like zinc) are often the cause of dis-ease.

Fortunately, a healthy Body Ecology diet gives you essential nutrients and heals your gut so that you can actually absorb those vitamins and minerals.

Here are some of the best Body Ecology foods that are rich in zinc and promote intestinal health:4

As you start to correct your digestion and eat healthier foods, you will create a thriving inner ecosystem full of beneficial microflora (good bacteria and yeast) that live in your intestines and keep you healthy and strong.
Your inner ecosystem and a healthy diet work together to improve the intake and absorption of all vitamins and minerals, including zinc.
So try these delicious foods as a great start to the Body Ecology system for health and healing, and be sure to check out The Body Ecology Diet by Donna Gates for easy recipes and menu ideas packed with flavor and trace minerals like zinc!

Get your zinc and get healthy.

Whether you want to boost your immunity, improve your intestinal health, prepare for the arrival of a healthy baby, or enjoy mental clarity for years to come, zinc can be your secret weapon.


  1. Mark Zinc supplement, MayoClinic.com.
  2. MayoClinic.com
  3. Zinc Deficiency Linked to Increased Risk of Esophageal Cancer, ScienceBlog.com. http://www.scienceblog.com/cms/node/7018
    Zinc Deficiency Increases Heart Disease Risk in Animals, VRP.com, 4 Oct 2005. http://www.vrp.com/articles.aspx?ProdID=art1778&zTYPE=2
    “Zinc deficiency and central nervous system malformations in humans,” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. http://www.ajcn.org/cgi/reprint/34/12/2864.pdf
  4. WHFoods.com
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