

Want Luscious Locks? 3 Must-Have Beautiful Hair Nutrients

Healthy hair has more to do with what goes into your body than what you put on it. One sign...

4 Steps to Say Goodbye to Acne

Why do we use antibacterial creams and harsh soaps when acne begins deep inside the body? Acne isn’t just skin...

Hashimoto’s Unlocked: The Key to a Sluggish Thyroid

Hashimoto’s disease isn’t just a name we use to describe hypothyroidism, or an underactive thyroid. Women, especially after pregnancy and...

How Candida Manipulates Your Biology: 4 Ways to Fight Back!

The more we rely on antifungal drugs, the more we contribute to the spread of drug-resistant strains. Candida is an...

5 Ways to Combat Stress Eating

Emotional eating is when we eat for any reason other than to nourish the body. It’s when emotions or memories...

Beyond Gluten: Are You Having Trouble with Cross-Reactive Foods?

Recently, on the Body Ecology Facebook Fan Page, Justine P. asked: “Hi there, I'm a bit confused as BE says...

Cavities and Candida: How to Protect Your Family’s Teeth

Many of us grew up learning that sugar rots our teeth, but a new study reveals more of the story....

Can Fermented Foods Help to Eliminate Candida?

On the Body Ecology Facebook fan page, Wendy S. asked a great question about fermented foods and Candida: “Hi, I...

8 essential ways to manage symptoms of candida die-off

As we choose foods that starve candida and other opportunistic bugs, yeast and bacteria cells die. When they die, they...

Breaking Research: Does Saturated Fat Really Cause Heart Disease?

Recent studies led by researchers at the University of Cambridge shed new light on fat in our diet. Trans fat...

How to Digest Gluten: New Research Gives Hope to Celiac

In a recent study, researchers at the University of León discovered that bacteria living in the gut of healthy volunteers...

Are Gluten-Free Flours Easy to Digest?

On the Body Ecology Facebook fan page, we recently talked about flour products:  Flour is never a gut healthy food...

Is It True That You Begin to Digest Coconut Oil

Wow! When we posted an article on coconut oil, we never expected to receive so many great follow-up questions. You...

Is This At the Root of Your Fatigue?

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is often described as relentless, disabling, and unexplained fatigue. Anxiety is one classic sign of chronic...

Will This Increase Your Risk of Autoimmune Disease?

Are you more at risk of autoimmune disease if you’ve taken antibiotics? Research may support an essential link between gut...

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