
Brain Health

A Natural Remedy for Alzheimer’s and Rheumatoid Arthritis

Some people argue that the Fountain of Youth can be found in something that every nursing mammal produces: colostrum. The...

How To Create A Winning Attitude

By Donna Gates, as seen on: Often, creating a positive outlook is difficult for people even when doing beneficial activities...

A Natural Remedy for Depression and Trauma: Watsu Body Therapy

When it comes to emotions, the brain is often held responsible for all things psychological. The brain is where neurotransmitters...

Make Sure Physical & Emotional Health Are At The Top

By Donna Gates, as seen on: The holidays are the time when people look back over the year that was...

Your Gut Can Influence How You Feel: It All Starts

In the most recent issue of Psychology Today, Dan Hurley explores the fascinating connection between the brain and the gut...

Preventing Alzheimer’s and Dementia

Aging shouldn’t include dementia. Do you find that the older you get, the easier it is to get lost when...

Are You an Emotional Eater? How to Use Food to

A cup of coffee to brighten your morning, a glass of wine with dinner to unwind, a pint of Häagen-Dazs...

Top 6 Signs of Celiac Disease

Are any of these symptoms familiar? Recurring headaches or migraines Fatigue and body weakness Skin disorders, rashes, or allergies Moodiness,...

How to Protect Your Brain from Aging

The Ultimate Anti-Aging Secret! Whatever you do in life that brings you joy and a sense of fulfillment requires your...

Kefir Grains and Your Health

What Are Kefir Grains? Kefir grains are small living communities of bacteria, yeast, and kefiran, existing in solid, gummy, grain-like...

Alzheimers + inflammation: How to protect your brain

Alzheimers help is needed as disease numbers in the U.S. rise rapidly. The 2020 Alzheimer’s Disease: Facts and Figures from...

Why Fermented Foods May Be the Next Big Antidepressant

Gut microbes may influence your behavior. Researchers have now confirmed what once seemed impossible: Microbes generate neurochemicals! Research is starting...

Are You Eating Too Much Fruit?

Many of us know about the health benefits found in fruit. Mother Nature has the unique ability to create foods...

5 Cell Phone Radiation Protection Tips

1. Buy a low-radiation phone. When you pick up your phone and make a call, that call is transmitted and...

B Vitamins Are Key to Keeping Our Brains Strong and

You can grow older and keep your mind as sharp and strong as your body with a healthy diet full...

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