
All Body Ecology Articles

Konjaku: The No-Cal, No-Carb, Fiber-Rich, Gluten-Free, Prebiotic-Perfect Food Secret

If you've been craving a plate of pasta, try konjaku noodles instead (they are also called shirataki). You have to...

Back to Basics: How Sunlight Can Reduce Inflammation

What if you could be happier, look healthier, have more energy and fight disease for free, in just 30 minutes...

The health and weight balance food combining rules we swear

Steak and potatoes, tuna-noodle casserole, scrambled eggs with toast -- these classic American meals are also classic examples of why...

How to Get the Popular Asian Herb Known for Balancing

Finally, it's here: The Failsafe Way to Ensure You Get Your Daily Dose of Probiotics - With NO Effort! Now with...

Why You Should Say NO to Nightlights (& Other Top

Ever wonder why you sometimes sleep better in hotels? Provided the mattress is a comfy one, most hotels have one...

Russia’s “Miracle” Heavy Metal Cleansing Sea Vegetable, “Laminaria Japonica”

Does your family have a history of cancer or thyroid problems? Do you want to detox your body? Perhaps you...

Lactobacillus Acidophilus: The Key Benefits of this “First Class” Beneficial

Lactobacillus acidophilus --it's a mouthful to be sure, but this particular probiotic and its other helpful associates in the tiny...

Zinc Deficiency: Common Symptoms of this Far-Too-Common Disorder & How

You may not know it, but there's a good chance that, like many Westerners, you aren't getting enough zinc in...

6 Keys to Prevent and Remedy Winter Colds and Flu

You've probably seen the signs - flu vaccinations are here! Yes, winter is the time for more colds and flu....

How the 80/20 Rule is Essential to Your Diet Too

Did you overeat during this holiday season? Perhaps you are feeling the effects of too much rich food and need...

Eggs: What Health-Conscious People REALLY Need to Know about One

According to the American Heart Association, 1 in 3 American adults have high levels of LDL (the "bad"cholesterol).1 For this...

Why Your Body Needs to “Cleanse” (& the Surprising Signs

So, you're tired of feeling lethargic and fuzzy-headed? You want to regain your health and are ready to make the...

The Most Potent Natural Ways to Prevent Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer. For men, it is the second most prevalent form of cancer. In fact, 1 out of every 6...

Why Your Body Needs to “Cleanse” (& the Surprising Signs

Would you like to look younger, have more energy, lose weight and prevent disease? Then Body Ecology's Principle of Cleansing...

Want to Look Younger & Better? 8 Reasons Why Probiotics

We've gotten many e-mails lately asking us Donna Gates' age. Donna turned 60 in 2006 but she is often mistaken...

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