The Most Important Steps to Revamp Your Inner Ecosystem

These days, we hear a lot about probiotics and the microflora living in the gut.

Gluten is abrasive and damaging to the gut lining.

The most up-to-date research tells us that the bacteria living on and in the body play a leading role in health and disease.

The Body Ecology Diet is designed to recover a balanced inner ecosystem by cleansing out Candida and the toxins it creates, improving digestion and absorption, and fostering integrity of the gut lining.

Stop Overwhelming Your Digestion

When the digestive system is overwhelmed, food that doesn’t move has an opportunity to rot and ferment in the small intestine. Sluggish bowel movements cause waste in the colon to putrefy. Not only does this hurt, it also throws off the balance in your inner ecosystem.

The Principle of 80/20 tells us to eat until we are 80% full.

Fill each plate with 80% non-starchy vegetables, fermented vegetables, and ocean vegetables. The remaining 20% of the plate is dedicated to an animal protein, starchy vegetables, or grain-like seeds.

Examples of a starchy vegetable are potato, yam, or butternut squash. Examples of grain-like seeds include buckwheat, millet, amaranth, and quinoa.

This aspect of 80/20 does more than enhance digestion.

The fiber in starchy vegetables and grain-like seeds acts as a prebiotic in the gut. In other words, beneficial gut bacteria feed on the fibers found in starchy vegetables and grain-like seeds.

You can jumpstart your health by supporting digestion, protecting the gut lining, and nourishing your “forgotten organ”— your inner ecosystem!

When your inner ecosystem is wounded, the mucus layer lining the digestive tract is also damaged. Starchy vegetables and grain-like seeds help to rebuild the mucosal layer in the gut, where gut bacteria thrive.

This mucus gel also plays a role in:

  • Cell signaling
  • Cell growth
  • Immune balance
  • Flushing away bad bacteria

Beneficial gut bacteria can encourage the body to produce more of this protective mucus.

Stop Damaging the Gut Lining

Even if you eat gluten and “feel fine,” it doesn’t mean that you somehow escaped the harrowing effects of gluten.

The research has been done. Numbers and studies are piling up—confirming what some people have suspected all along. Gluten may be wreaking havoc in the gut.

Gluten is abrasive and damaging to the gut lining. We now know that it pulls apart close-knit cells lining the intestinal wall, making the gut leaky. It teams up with Candida and exhausts both the gut and the liver. Gluten is directly linked as a causative factor to a handful of autoimmune diseases.

In other words, remove gluten from your diet, and you may see many chronic, nagging health complaints disappear.

Stop Neglecting Your “Forgotten Organ”

Countless common health disorders that seem unrelated to digestion are actually rooted in the inner ecosystem of the digestive tract.

While it may be difficult to imagine, our cells and our organs do not act in isolation. Every single system interacts with every other system on multiple levels—including the inner ecosystem. Recently, researchers dubbed this system the “forgotten organ.”

Why forgotten?

Because fermented foods are no longer familiar to many of us, the last several generations of children are missing the information, protection, and balance that the probiotics in fermented foods offer. The human body relies on bacteria, yeast, and even certain parasites.

The reality is that human beings have been consuming fermented foods for centuries. Only recently—in the last 100 years—have we grown accustomed to pasteurizing and sanitizing our food and our environment.

Fortunately, truly fermented foods are making a comeback in homes and in the marketplace thanks to all the new research surrounding the importance of a healthy inner ecosystem.

The bacteria and yeast that are naturally found in fermented foods—like kefir and cultured vegetables—communicate with your immune system, your neurological system, and your endocrine system. And the most effective way to repair and replenish your inner ecosystem is with fermented foods.

Fermented foods are raw, full of enzymes, and teeming with hearty communities of probiotics. This makes fermented foods easy to digest. It also ensures that beneficial bacteria and yeast are able to safely travel through the digestive system.

Putting It All Together

While The Body Ecology Diet is a crucial step toward no longer feeding Candida and other systemic infection, Donna designed the Digestive Care Multi as a convenient way to improve digestion and decrease food stagnation, enhance elimination, cleanse Candida and toxins, rebuild the gut lining, and replenish the inner ecosystem.

What To Remember Most About This Article:

The Body Ecology Diet can help to balance your inner ecosystem to cleanse Candida, enhance digestion, and heal the gut lining. Here’s where to begin:

  1. Stop Overwhelming Your Digestion. Following the Principle of 80/20 will prevent food from rotting in the small intestine. Eat 80% non-starchy vegetables, fermented vegetables, and ocean vegetables at each meal with 20% animal protein, starchy vegetables, or grain-like seeds.
  2. Stop Damaging the Gut Lining. Gluten can wreak havoc on your digestive tract to make the gut leaky. Gluten may also be directly related to a number of autoimmune diseases. Removing gluten from the diet could alleviate many chronic health issues.
  3. Stop Neglecting Your “Forgotten Organ.” Your inner ecosystem is also known as your “forgotten organ” since fermented foods are not enjoyed as frequently as they were just a century ago. Friendly bacteria and yeast found in fermented foods like kefir and cultured vegetables can work wonders to improve digestion and boost your inner ecology.

Last but not least, don’t forget the convenient Digestive Care Multi to enhance digestion, cleanse Candida, seal the gut lining, and revitalize your inner ecosystem!

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