
All Body Ecology Articles

Why Celiacs (Those with Celiac Disease) & Those with Gluten

More and more people are looking for gluten free alternatives to bread, cereals, and wheat products. Find out the missing...

Luo Han Guo: The Essentials and Interesting Insights You Need

The exotic and rare luohanguo has been favored as a sweet remedy for colds, coughs, and gastrointestinal disorders for centuries....

Heartburn and Indigestion

Do fatty, rich foods give you indigestion? Here’s how fermented foods and drinks can heal your heartburn and keep you...

Hemp: Is this Nutty Food Source with a Questionable Reputation

What's the real reason that nutritious hemp and hemp seed oil have a checkered past? Find out if the benefits...

The healthiest fish to eat, The fish you should definitely

Fish has heart healthy omega-3 fatty acids, including DHA, the fatty acid that nourishes your brain. But mercury poisoning, toxins...

The Ultimate “Eat This Instead of That” Body Ecology Guide

You might think that cereal is the breakfast of champions, but there are better ways to start your day. Find...

The 5 Kinds of Prescription Drugs That Zap the Most

The side effects of prescription drugs are more insidious than those listed on the side of the box. In fact,...

What causes gas? Learn more about food that causes gas

Experiencing flatulence on a regular basis can be both embarrassing and painful. Fermented foods and drinks are the cornerstone of...

Just How Many Doctors Have Ties to the Drug Industry

Doctors and drug companies: too close for comfort? Did you know that most doctors have financial ties to pharmaceutical companies...

The top 6 fabrics you should avoid wearing (and why)

Every day and night, we're surrounded by fabrics. From the clothing we wear to the sheets on our beds to...

6 Signs of Gallbladder Dysfunction (And 6 Ways to Avoid

Chances are, you know you have a gallbladder – but do you know what it does or where it is, for...

Dehydration is More Common Than People Realize: How to Tell

How would you know if you were dehydrated? One of the easiest conditions to reverse, but one of the most...

If You are Feeling Sorrow About Anything, Remember This

We want to feel good. To feel happy. Striving toward happiness is our very nature. But that doesn't mean you...

Nasal Neti Pots and Your Health: Why Body Ecology Recommends

It's cold and flu season, sinus infection is a part of life for almost 30 million Americans, and prime allergy...

The Five Colors You Need to Eat Routinely … and

Eating a healthy diet is as easy as following the rainbow! By consuming vegetables and fruits from 5 color families,...

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