
What You Need to Know About COVID-19 TODAY

Anti-viral diet, genes, and how to counteract the effects of future vaccines

There’s been a lot of talk lately about how to avoid contracting the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Do you know what to do if you contract it? Donna Gates, M.Ed., ABAAHP, international best-selling author, digestive health guru recently gave a presentation about what you need to know about COVID-19. This article is a compilation of her advice.

The coronavirus is a respiratory illness with two strains. Research suggests the L-strain is derived from the S-strain.  The L-type is more prevalent and more aggressive than the S-type.  It quickly infiltrates the immune system and causes inflammation, Gates says. An initial response after coronavirus contraction should be to manage inflammation and establish an anti-viral protocol to create energy, conquer digestion, conquer infections, and clean out toxins.

Here’s what you need to do on an anti-viral protocol, according to Gates:

You’ll need to go on a quite limited diet, do time restricted feeding, and eat alkaline forming foods instead of acid-forming foods. You can’t have any animal protein. However, you will need another form of protein to stay strong, so focus on proteins like fermented dairy and soy (these do not have the bad properties that unfermented dairy and soy have).

If you can do dairy, its cooling properties help decrease inflammation. If you are dairy sensitive, try A2 milk. Current cow’s milk protein (A1) is composed of whey and casein, but original cow’s milk (A2) is a milk that does not contain A1 casein. A lot of people can handle dairy if it is A2 and fermented, Gates says. If you’re dairy resistant, you can train your gut microbes to start digesting dairy. Dilute one tablespoon of fermented dairy with water and drink for a couple weeks. Over time, you will increase dairy digesting microbes.

Eat protein-rich fermented soybean paste miso, not natto. Try this EZ Traditional Miso Soup Recipe.

Eat 80 percent of dark green leafy vegetables (except spinach since its high in oxalates), root vegetables, and sea vegetables. Sea vegetables have become a very important food to eat during this time (really, all the time). Eat sea vegetables like Arame, Kombu, Wakame, Hijiki, Dulse, Agar, and Kelp.

Avoid all seeds and nuts.

You don’t want to fast, since you’ll need to have energy, but you should practice a form of time-restricted fasting.

Continue these things for the duration of the virus.

How to manage inflammation

Controlling inflammation starts with a strong immune system, which is very much dependent on a healthy gut. If you have a bad gut and the coronavirus enters your immune system, you’ll not only have a weak immune system, you’ll have a leaky gut, and you won’t be able to control your inflammation, Gates explains.

There’s never been a more important time to change your diet. Eating cultured vegetables and taking a probiotic liquid everyday creates a diversity of microbes, which supports a healthy immune system. Cultured vegetables are absolutely essential, Gates says.

Eating foods for your blood type can also help boost your immune system. For example, type O blood should focus on high-protein foods and lean meat, vegetables, fish, and fruit, but light on grains, beans, and dairy. Whereas type A blood should focus on meat-free, eating fruits and vegetables, beans, and whole grains (3).

Inflammation involves the activation of a highly coordinated gene expression program that is specific for the initial stimulus (1). It is the body’s response to injury, infection, and toxins; caused by both internal and external stimuli. Once danger is detected, a response (inflammation) is set in motion to eliminate the danger. The response includes the release of antibodies and proteins, increasing the blood flow to the damaged area.

Inflammation-associated genes involving those with pro- and anti-inflammatory effect should be properly balanced and regulated; the protein products of these genes ultimately determine the outcome of inflammation (2). There are a whole bunch of good genes that protect against viruses. Persons that can’t control the inflammation in their body are the ones that are experiencing strong symptoms from the coronavirus, Gates says.

Be Careful with Anti-Viral Supplements

People rushed to buy anti-viral supplements, like elderberry. These can support a healthy immune system, but too much or the wrong combination for your genes can create more inflammation, Gates says.

For example, quercetin is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory which might help reduce inflammation. If you have a certain type of gene (like the COMT gene) your genes may work more slowly in response to quercetin. If you experience stress, and your genes are slow, your stress levels stay continuously elevated, Gates says. Stress raises blood pressure and suppresses the immune system, especially its ability to fight off antigens.

Quercetin has been reported to inhibit COMT activity through a combination of two mechanisms: one through the formation of S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine as a result of its own rapid O-methylation catalyzed by COMT, and the other as its direct competitive inhibition of the enzyme by serving as a substrate (4).

Be Mindful of What’s Next 

There is no doubt, the coronavirus has created worldwide fear. “I caution you to think about what comes next,” Gates says. “A vaccine is coming, and we may be forced to vaccinate.”

The coronavirus is an RNA virus. This virus, like all viruses are completely inert. They are not alive until they get into a host cell. The virus hijacks the DNA inside the cell, forcing the cell to reproduce the virus, Gates says. There are DNA viruses and RNA viruses, but the RNA viruses are more dangerous because they can genetically modify the cell, Gates explains.

The proposed coronavirus vaccine includes an RNA virus. “The vaccine will genetically modify our cells, and we don’t know how they will genetically modify us. Will they make us infertile? Is that how they plan to control the population?” Gates says. “What I want you to focus on is thinking in terms of preventing the virus from infecting the cell, blowing up, and spreading it. This requires a strong immune system.”

“We may not be able to avoid vaccination, so we have to be ready for the RNA virus to enter the cell and begin to modify it,” Gates adds. “If you receive the vaccine, go on the anti-viral protocol since you have an active virus in your body.”


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