
All Body Ecology Articles

Spirulina: Why It’s Said to Be One of The World’s

Spirulina is one of the world's oldest foods, and is known as a true superfood in every sense of the...

Is Body Ecology an IBS Solution? If You Have Irritable

With the recall of Zelnorm medication, many are seeking a natural IBS cure. Find out how Body Ecology can help...

The Quick and Easy Guide to Improving Your Health on

Congratulations, you’ve given up processed foods, added fermented foods and drinks and started your healthy Body Ecology program. So why...

The Gluten-Free, Energy-Boosting Probiotic Liquid

As a gluten free fermented probiotic performance drink, InnergyBiotic can help your true energy soar and make your gut happy!...

Clearing the Health Jungle: Choosing from the Heart

Charles Eisenstein is a yogi, author, speaker, and spiritual intuitive. His background includes a degree in mathematics and philosophy from...

8 Healthy Seaweeds Worth Knowing and Trying

Do you enjoy sushi? If so, then you might already be familiar with nori, which is used for sushi rolls...

Healthy Restaurant Review: EVOS – Feel Good Fast Food

Sometimes fast food is tempting, even if you are following the Body Ecology diet. Fast food can be quick, easy...

“Gluten” and “Gluten-Free” – What These Terms REALLY Mean and

As yummy as this bread basket looks, each morsel could potentially be destroying your intestines. Do you think you might...

Does Acupuncture Work? How, Why and Other Options You Should

Acupuncture may seem like hocus pocus, but recent scientific studies confirm what the Chinese have known for over 2,500 years:...

Healthy Restaurant Review: R. Thomas Deluxe Grill- The 24 Hour

So you've started the Body Ecology program and want to find healthy restaurants? Here's your best bet when visiting Atlanta!...

The 9 Most Deceptive Foods that Everyone Thinks are Healthy

Have you heard that yogurt can help you lose weight? Actually, lowfat yogurt and other common "health foods" might not...

How to Achieve Your Goals: The 6 Steps Including One

No experiences, aside from loving and being loved, are as intense and rewarding as achieving your goals (and the greater...

Whatever It Is That You Think You Don’t Know, You’re

Everyone has one or more character traits that, far more than other traits, seems to rub certain others the wrong...

What Type of Bottles, Containers & Other Packaging is Most

Drinking water should be healthy for you, but some plastic water bottles may leach a dangerous chemical into your water...

The complete Body Ecology guide to organizing your kitchen for

The right tips for menu planning and learning to organize your kitchen make getting healthy so much easier. When beginning...

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