If You Have Certain Food Cravings, It May Be Due to the Bacteria In Your Gut

Chocolate may seem pretty hard to avoid this time of year, but some people crave it every day! New research shows that it might not be lack of willpower that makes you give in to the cravings… your body’s bacteria may be to blame!

Chocolate, sweets, carbohydrates, caffeine.

Many people actually crave these things, sometimes on a daily basis.

Call it lack of willpower, bad habits or addiction, but the fact remains that some people find the urge to consume these treats too difficult to resist.

Now a new study points to a biological basis for chocolate cravings that has major implications for your health and your weight.

Cravings and Bacteria

A team in Switzerland studied two groups of men, those who crave chocolate daily and those who consider themselves indifferent to it. They found that “people who crave daily chocolate show signs of having different colonies of bacteria than people who are immune to chocolate’s allure.”

Researchers are not sure if chocolate consumption alters the bacteria content of the intestines or if the bacteria changes, thus triggering the cravings.

Either way, the bacteria/cravings connection is an important one.

Other research shows that bacteria content of the intestines is different depending on body weight. Normal weight people have one kind of dominant bacteria while obese people’s intestines are populated by a different strain.2

For more, read: How the Bacteria in Your Gut Causes Overweight (& How to Get Your Balance Right)

Again, researchers are not sure what happens first: weight gain or a change in intestinal flora.

Regardless, the findings illustrate that cultivating a healthy colony of beneficial bacteria is a key part of maintaining a healthy weight and feeling free from cravings.

Grow Your Beneficial Bacteria to Banish Sugar Cravings

A healthy inner ecosystem is made up of the friendly microflora (good bacteria and yeast) that aid your digestion and help you get the nutrients you need to stay healthy. Unfortunately, most Americans today have an imbalanced inner ecosystem, which can lead to food cravings and obesity.

By re-establishing a healthy inner ecosystem, you can free yourself from chocolate and sugar cravings as well as maintain a healthy weight.

The easiest ways to encourage the growth of good bacteria is to add fermented foods and drinks to your diet.

Body Ecology’s fermented foods and drinks are carefully cultured with strains of beneficial bacteria and yeast to populate your gut and enhance your health.

Long a tradition of ancient cultures, fermented foods and drinks are becoming more popular in the health-conscious Western world.

Fermented foods and drinks include:

Probiotic superfoods like kimchi and Young Coconut Kefir inoculate, colonize and feed the growth of good microflora in your body. Yes, they are a must for boosting your immunity, but they are also essential for stopping those cravings for the sugars that sabotage your ability to lose weight and stay young and healthy.

Keep in mind, though, that desire for the sweet taste is quite natural. Finding pleasure and a sense of satisfaction in the sweet taste and constant cravings for sugars and alcohol, however, are definitely not the same.

We humans were created to actually enjoy that sweet taste but do so with foods that don’t harm us or age us quickly. Learn more about why we crave sweet things and what to do about it by reading: Don’t Feel Guilty for Sweet Cravings! Some Essentials You Need to Know About Sugar in Your Diet.

Easy Probiotics

InnergyBiotic is the ideal way to encourage the growth of beneficial bacteria in your intestines. Packed with probiotics and protein, this probiotic liquid heals your gut and creates lasting energy. Try InnergyBiotic and feel the results for yourself

With the stress of everyday life it is oftentimes difficult to take care of your health AND everything else. We know that you are serious about supporting your healthy inner ecosystem with fermented foods and drinks but may lack the time or equipment to prepare them right now.

That’s why we created InnergyBiotic, the newest probiotic liquid from Body Ecology.

Specially formulated for those who are on the go, InnergyBiotic is ideal for traveling, holidays, and any time when you need an extra boost of probiotics and protein.

InnergyBiotic is the next generation of authentic energy nutrition and can be your ideal sports recovery drink, morning caffeine replacement or mid-afternoon boost.

This gluten-free energy drink helps heal your gut, creates lasting energy, and improves your digestion, helping you build more of the beneficial bacteria you need to stay healthy and free from cravings. Read more and try some InnergyBiotic today.

So it’s not about willpower. It’s actually about what you are feeding your body and whether you are consuming foods and drinks that create or upset your balance in body, mind and spirit.

Make this year your best year yet with The Body Ecology diet and a balanced inner ecosystem!


  1. Borenstein, Seth, “Scientists Explain Chocolate Cravings,” WashingtonPost.com, 12 Oct 2007. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/10/12/AR2007101200019.html
  2. How the Bacteria in Your Gut Affect Your Body Weight – And How to Get the Balance Right
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