Avoid Stretch Marks and Get Rid of Cellulite!
Stretch marks, cellulite, and other skin imperfections actually signify a nutrient deficiency.
When it comes to stretch marks or cellulite, keep in mind that what is happening on the surface of the body is a direct reflection of the breakdown that is occurring beneath the surface. This means that in addition to stretch marks, cellulite, and wrinkles, you may also feel the breakdown of connective tissue in your joints, circulatory system, or even in the intestinal lining.
When workout videos claim to bust cellulite and topical creams claim to dissolve stretch marks, they are only addressing part of the problem.
Stretch marks are not hereditary. Which means – if your mom had them while pregnant, it does not mean that you will too.
Stretch marks are not necessarily the result of rapid growth, although they can result from rapid growth. For example, they can occur during puberty, bodybuilding, or pregnancy.
The most common mistake is to believe that fat creates cellulite. It does not.
Your skin needs collagen to stay smooth, supple, and strong. Body Ecology’s Vitality SuperGreen is made with fermented Spirulina, packed with vital nutrients to help your body naturally produce collagen.
Good nutrition keeps skin elastic and firm. While poor nutrition leads to the premature breakdown of skin and loss of elasticity.
It turns out that if nutritional deficiencies are severe enough, both stretch marks and cellulite can occur at any age. However, for one reason or another, we are encouraged to forget about the very foods that keep these deficiencies at bay.
These are animal foods like bone, skin, feet, and sinews. Unfortunately, the most popular portion of an animal to eat is the flesh, or muscle meat, while we throw away the rest of the animal.
If you would like to support the health of your skin, the best thing to do is to eat skin itself. Or what skin is made of, which is collagen.
Beauty Is More Than Skin Deep
The skin is made up of three layers: the epidermis, the dermis, and the hypodermis.
In the case of stretch marks, scarring takes place in the dermis, the tissue that lies just beneath the most superficial layers of skin. When scars form in the dermis, skin changes color and eventually softens.
Beneath the dermis is the hypodermis. This is where we find subcutaneous fat and sheets of connective tissue.
When the connective tissue is weak in the hypodermis, the fat naturally held within this layer of skin herniates, or breaks through the connective tissue that holds it in place. Herniated fat in the hypodermis gives skin a lumpy appearance and leads to the development of cellulite.
This means that when skin loses its structural integrity, it can form striae, or stretch marks, and pockets of cellulite.
Collagen gives our skin structural integrity.
Collagen is made up of three proteins that spiral around each other. It runs throughout every tissue in the body. Collagen helps to give the body its structure.
There are several kinds of collagen in the body. For example, glucosamine and hyaluronic acid keep us flexible and lubricated. All collagen makes up a supportive matrix that unites cells, organs, and glands.
Chicken Feet, Oxtail, Marrow Bones, and Fish Eyes
Manufacturing collagen takes a lot work, and the body needs specific nutrients in order to do so.
Broth made from the animal parts that we usually throw away makes the best and most nutrient-dense supplement for your connective tissue. This includes things like:
- Chicken feet, skin, neck, and bones
- Oxtail, knuckle bones, and knee joints
- Fish carcasses, including the fish head and eyes
The parts of an animal that are full of chewy cartilage and tough sinew are exactly what can slowly cook down into a nourishing broth. Finding a vegetarian equivalent to these foods is difficult.
This is because the process of synthesizing collagen is complex and time-consuming. For example, if you have ever watched a wound heal or acne disappear, you may notice that the scarring takes weeks or even months to fade. Sometimes a scar can linger for a full year.
Collagen fibers are made from protein, in particular hydroxylysine and hydroxyproline. If you are vegetarian or vegan, eating foods high in proline and lysine may help the body to produce collagen. Fermented Spirulina is an excellent source of both proline and lysine.
How to Get Rid of Cellulite and Stretch Marks
Besides choosing to eat collagen-rich foods, you can also make a few other dietary adjustments in order to optimize skin regeneration and repair.
It is essential to avoid pro-inflammatory foods, like wheat, excessive sugar, and oxidized oils. This is because inflammation ignites an immune response. Once this happens, white blood cells release something called collagenase, which is an enzyme that breaks through collagen.
By following The Body Ecology Diet and the Principle of Acid/ Alkaline, you can naturally keep inflammation in check. Fermented foods and probiotic beverages will help heal the gut and reduce inflammation.
Also, be sure to eat foods that contain:
- Vitamin C: Vitamin C is necessary to synthesize the proteins needed to produce collagen.
- Zinc: Zinc deficiency has been found to inhibit the formation of collagen, especially after trauma.
Everyone wants smooth, unblemished skin. Healthy skin is a sign of internal health. Supporting skin integrity with the right diet does more the diminish scarring and cellulite – it contributes to health from the inside out!
What To Remember Most About This Article:
Contrary to popular belief, skin imperfections like cellulite and stretch marks are actually the sign of a nutrient deficiency. What occurs on the outside of the body is a perfect reflection of issues occurring underneath the surface of the skin.
There are two common myths in the beauty community today:
- Stretch marks are hereditary.
- Fat creates cellulite.
Both of these rumors are completely false! The truth is that good nutrition is what will keep your skin elastic and firm, and poor nutrition will lead to premature aging.
Collagen is the substance that gives your skin structural integrity. You can support the health of your skin with nutrients that help to manufacture collagen from foods like chicken feet, oxtail, and fish eyes. Fermented Spirulina is an excellent choice for vegetarians and vegans to provide vital nutrients that will help the body produce more collagen.
To keep your skin soft and supple, avoid pro-inflammatory foods by following the Principle of Acid/Alkaline in The Body Ecology Diet. It’s also important to regularly eat fermented foods and drink probiotic beverages to alleviate systemic inflammation. Making these critical changes to your diet will improve your health from the inside out, resulting in smooth, unblemished skin!