The Truth About Obesity: 8 Common Misperceptions and  Why Body Ecology is the Ideal Obesity Solution. Part 3.

The Truth About Obesity: 8 Common Misperceptions and Why Body Ecology is the Ideal Obesity Solution. Part 3.

The Truth About Obesity: 8 Common Misperceptions and Why Body Ecology is the Ideal Obesity Solution. Part 3.

Body Ecology recommends grain-like seeds, like quinoa because they are wonderful for weight loss, improve your digestion and regulate your blood sugar.

Myth: Whole grains and cereals help you lose weight.

Fact: Common carbohydrates like grains, breads, flour products and pasta can actually damage your digestive system and feed pathogenic (bad) bacteria and yeast that lead to weight gain.5 Since most of the beneficial fiber has been removed from many commercial flour products, these foods move slowly through your digestive system. With their sticky, glue-like consistency, they literally “gum up” your intestines.

Body Ecology says: High quality carbohydrates are necessary for proper digestion and metabolism.6 Consumption of Body Ecology’s grain-like seeds:millet amaranth, quinoa and buckwheat can enhance digestion, feed your healthy microflora, help you sleep better and control your blood sugar.

Learn how to incorporate Body Ecology “grains” into your diet by reading The Risks of Consuming Typical Grains & The Healthy Grains to Choose Instead.

Myth: Exercise is the ONLY solution to obesity.

Fact: Exercise, combined with healthy eating and lifestyle habits lead to balance in all things, including your weight. Vigorous exercise can decrease visceral fat, the kind of fat that surrounds your vital organs and causes inflammation, elevated blood sugar and weight gain.8

Body Ecology says: Regular exercise burns dangerous visceral fat, stimulates your colon and enhances elimination. Deep breathing during aerobic exercise also releases carbon dioxide, helps alkalize your blood, and can reduce stress.

Find an exercise program that you enjoy and do it regularly as part of your healthy weight maintenance, in addition to healthy diet and lifestyle habits, like getting plenty of refreshing sleep.

One of our favorite ways to exercise at Body Ecology is with Softbounce Rebounders. Rebounders not only give you a pleasant, gentle and effective workout, they also help strengthen your organs and cleanse your lymphatic system.


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