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How would you like a healthy, low-calorie source of probiotics that's gluten-free and provides you with loads of energy? Whether at home, in the office, or on the go - you don't have to feel tired, sluggish and "zapped" anymore?
Innergy-Biotic combines all the best features of an:
- Energy drink
- Sports drink
- Performance drink
- Probiotic superfood
When was the last time you had a drink that gave you energy and improved your health?
In today's line up of energy drinks and sports drinks, you are often getting nothing more than sugar mixed with inferior protein and questionable vitamins and minerals. These drinks boost your energy for a short time...perhaps they promise to replenish your electrolytes... but actually steal energy and vitality from your long-term health.
What if you could heal your digestive tract (your inner ecosystem), revive your energy and get healthy probiotics in one convenient and delicious all-natural liquid? The Body Ecology line of probiotic liquids - which also includes CocoBiotic & Dong Quai -- heal your gut and boost your immunity by providing you a range of healthy probiotics.
Innergy-Biotic is the brand new addition to the Body Ecology line of probiotic liquids. It just may be our most delicious probiotic liquid yet. Yes, it is healthy and healing, but we named it Innergy-Biotic because it makes you feel energetically alive and happy by creating true energy from deep within your hara or power center...your intestines.
Innergy-Biotic is special because it was created by fermenting a blend of high protein, gluten free grains, grain-like seeds and beans...all sources of easily digested vegetarian proteins.
Innergy-Biotic not only provides you with beneficial microflora to improve digestion, but it also contains specific ingredients such as high performance peptides (easily digestible protein sources), antioxidants and other nutritional ingredients.
More than a healthy, energizing liquid, InnergyBiotic can help your body recover from the physical demands of work, exercise or illness and give you a healthy, long-lasting boost of energy while also benefiting your body long-term.
- An easily digestible source of vegetarian protein - Fermentation naturally breaks down protein into easily digestible amino acids that your body can more quickly utilize.
- A gluten-free version of our delicious probiotic liquids - while the gluten-containing grains in our other probiotic liquids are technically also gluten-free after they are fermented, some people just want a gluten-free option. With Innergy-Biotic, you have a gluten-free source of healthy probiotics.
- Boost your energy - Probiotic-rich Innergy-Biotic boosts energy because it helps correct digestion and improves immunity, giving you a natural, lasting energy boost. When the foods you eat digest well you feel this as a boost of energy.
- An easy, convenient source of probiotics - Probiotics in the form of fermented foods and drinks have long been a cornerstone of the Body Ecology program. Today, the healing benefits of probiotics are even being recognized mainstream medicine.
- Heal your gut - Body Ecology promotes healing your inner ecosystem and probiotics are key to a healthy gut. The probiotics in Innergy-Biotic are targeted to survive stomach acid that kills most probiotic supplements. The special blend of microflora in Innergy-Biotic help recolonize your intestines quickly, furthering the healing process.
- Improve your digestion - probiotics increase the bio-availability of each meal by improving your digestion. A healthy digestive tract can better absorb nutrients, allowing nutrient deficiencies to be corrected.
- Boost your immunity - probiotics are beneficial microorganisms that work to keep you healthy by keeping bad bacteria, fungal infections and parasites at bay. Most people have an overgrowth of the "bad guys," but when you drink a probiotic liquid like those in our delicious Innergy-Biotic you can obtain only the "good guys." These are the ones that keep the bad guys at bay.
- Recover from physical demands of sports - the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) found that drinks with protein and carbohydrates enhance the efficiency of carbohydrate utilization, improves muscle tissue repair and reduces muscle fibre damage.
- Create lasting energy - instead of using sugar, caffeine and manufactured vitamins and minerals to create energy, Innergy-Biotic provides natural, whole fermented foods in liquid form. Innergy-Biotic is the best way to increase energy because it works to build your health AND your energy through whole foods and active probiotics.
- Improve your health - probiotics (healthy microflora) are key to your long term health because they aid your digestion and assimilation of nutrients and they boost the nutrients of your foods by hundreds of times. Healthy microflora even help make important vitamins for healing, like B vitamins and vitamin K.
- Create beauty from the inside out - probiotics can help keep you slim, make your hair grow long and lustrous, treat acne, prevent wrinkles and keep your skin glowing. Most energy drinks and sports drinks on the market are made with some form of sugar, which damages your health and beauty.
If you look at the nutrition labels of the so-called sports drink or energy drinks, you'll see a lot of quasi-foods and forms of sugar. These designer drinks are like candy in a can, giving you instant gratification in the form of a sugar high. Innergy-Biotic is the best energy drink and sports liquid because it goes way beyond instant gratification.
With Innergy-Biotic, you get a probiotic-rich whole food in liquid form, making the protein and microflora more bio-available for your body. You get energy that lasts and a protein-carbohydrate drink that supports muscle recovery.
Superior Ingredients
- Organic Quinoa - a "grain-like" seed related to the spinach family that is prized for being a complete protein (contains all 9 essential amino acids that are required by the body as building blocks for muscles). Compared to other grains, quinoa is higher in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron, copper, manganese, and zinc than wheat, barley, or corn. It is also rich in fiber and antioxidants. Quinoa's health benefits include preventing and treating artherosclerosis, breast cancer, diabetes and insulin resistance.
- Organic Millet - a high-protein "grain-like" seed, millet nutrition is important for B vitamins, magnesium, calcium, tryptophan, fiber and antioxidants. Millet nutrition has been noted for reducing cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, migraines and headaches.
- Organic Biodynamic Brown Rice - biodynamic farming takes organic to an even higher level by uniting the farm as a unit in which soil, humans, animals and nature work in harmony to produce your food. High-protein brown rice is made even more nutrient-rich through farming methods that honor our Mother Earth.
- Organic High-Protein Pulses - soybeans, chickpeas and lentils get a boost in digestibility and nutrients when fermented. Because we humans cannot digest unfermented pulses, fermenting these potentially-valuable foods breaks them down so that your body can now obtain the nutrients in them.
Important: Fermented foods and drinks containing both a probiotic and a prebiotic are called a synbiotic. The synbiotic effect from blue agave, honey, the gluten free grain-like seeds and the brown rice in Innergy-Biotic means that not only does it help populate your intestines with beneficial microflora (probiotics), it also helps improve the survival, implantation and growth of newly added microflora strains. The microflora consume this sweet food, yet leave you all the benefits of pulses, seeds and grains.
Body Ecology and the great team at Grainfield's in Australia offer you super potent probiotic liquids like Innergy-Biotic with a superior blend of probiotics that are:
- Able to survive harsh stomach acids to reach the walls of your intestines and recolonize it more effectively
- Natural to the human GI tract
- Compatible with each other
This is much more important than than the many probiotic supplements on the market today that dazzle you with large numbers of colony-forming units (CFUs). These supplements do not have the ability to colonize the way our products do.
Superior Probiotics
- Lactobacillus acidophilus
- Lactobacillus delbreukii
- Saccharomyces boulardii
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Full of B vitamins, 9 essential amino acids (creating a perfect protein), magnesium, calcium, tryptophan, antioxidants and a synbiotic blend of probiotics, Innergy-Biotic is your health enhancing performance drink!
Whether you want to climb Mt. Everest, make it through a long day at work or create lasting energy for your future health, Innergy-Biotic is a delicious way to build deep inner energy so that you can start performing at your optimal best!
Available in 16 oz. or 44 oz. bottles (great value at 22 servings!)
What makes Vitality SuperGreen different from all the other green drinks on the market today? Why is ours so special? With a unique focus on nourishing the inner ecosystem, this very alkalizing formula, especially created by Donna Gates, will soothe and help rebuild the lining of your intestines. A generous amount of nutrient-rich elements like GlutImmune (a covalent bonded glutamine), FOS from chicory inulin, GMO-free lecithin, and aloe vera extract (200:1) help establish and maintain a healthy mucosal lining. As the leader in fermented food and nutrition we know how important it is to establish and nourish an inner ecosystem. This civilization of beneficial micro flora need healthy food just like you do; and they love algae. So, we've spared no cost in blending together an extraordinary spectrum (or life force) of fermented algae and cereal grasses, fermented green veggies, enzymes, probiotics and food-based supplements providing you the highest quality green drink on the market today. Use it to rebuild and strengthen your immunity and to create new vitality.
Vitality SuperGreen is one of our most popular products. It's a must each morning and it makes a great afternoon pick-me-up.
It's an excellent source of complete, easily assimilated protein, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, lignans, essential fatty acids, nucleic acids, and beneficial microflora.
Newly reformulated to include fermented algae, fermented greens and fermented Soy Lecithin, Vitality SuperGreen is a proprietary blend of:
- Algae: Yaeyama Chlorella; Red Marine Algae; Dulse powder (Palmaria Palmata)
- Cereal Grass: Barley Grass Juice; Alfalfa Juice
- Intestinal Support Blend: Glutimmune (peptide-bonded Glutamine); Chicory Root Inulin (fiber); Flax Seed Fiber; Fermented Soy Lecithin (GMO free); Aloe Vera Extract (200:1)
- Fermented Vegetable Blend: Organic Spinach, Organic Parsley, Organic Kale
- Fermented Algae Blend: Spirulina, BioAstin Astaxanthin, Chlorella, Dunaliella Salina, Kelp, Barley Grass, Oat Grass, Alfalfa Grass, Barley Flakes, Malt Extract
- Probiotics: Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Lactobacillus Delbreukii (caseii, bulgaricus, causasicus, fermenti, plantarum, brevis, helveticus, leichmanni, lactis.) Bifidabacterium Bifidum, Saccharomyces Boulardii, Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
- Super Supplement Blend: Rice X (stabilized anti-oxidant from rice bran); Acerola extract; Rhodiola Rosea; Bilberry Extract; Biovin Grapeseed Extract; Beta 1,3 glucan (dual standard)
- Vanilla and Stevia
Contains no fillers and no excipients. 279 grams. If taken once daily, one container will last for one month.
Suggestions for Use
Add 2 scoops (or more) to 8 ounces of filtered water. As part of a high energy weight loss program substitute Vitality for your breakfast meal. If you want to gain weight, you'll find Vitality SuperGreen provides that extra nourishment when taken along with a larger meal. Refrigerate after opening.
Although this is a great-tasting drink, to make it a little sweeter, add a few drops of Body Ecology's liquid stevia concentrate as desired.
Vitality SuperGreen also available in convenient CAPSULES
Want to get more out of your meals? Assist-SI™ is a dietary supplement that maximizes your food’s potential to nourish, energize, and heal!
Although your small intestine is something you may not give much thought to, it’s the place where most of the digestion and absorption of your food occurs.
Small Intestine Facts:
- Between 13 and 20 feet long (if over 5 yrs of age)
- Only about 1-1¼ inch in diameter
- Surface area covers the size of a tennis court
- Responsible for digesting carbohydrates, fats, and proteins
- Lengthens and loses muscle tone due to aging
If your small intestine isn't working, it really doesn't matter what you eat, since you won't be getting the nutrients you need. You're not getting the full value from your food; plain and simple.
For so many of us, this means that our commitment to a healthy diet isn't giving us any of the health and wellness payoffs we were hoping for simply because our small intestine isn't in balance. If the small intestine is not functioning optimally, precious nutrients from your food will leave your body in the form of waste.
Many digestive enzyme products only assist the digestive process as it occurs in the stomach. Because ph and acid levels in the stomach are different than those in the small intestine, these products essentially stop working when they enter the small intestine, where the ph level is much higher. Don't let your food go to waste!
Body Ecology has created a new digestive aid specifically designed to protect and enhance the function of your small intestine.
ASSIST SI is a super pancreatic enzyme that turns your small intestine into a digestion powerhouse to quickly absorb proteins, fats, and carbohydrates while detoxifying and toning the small intestine, ensuring nutrient-rich blood and happy, healthy cells.
How do you know if you need Assist SI? You may have common symptoms like:
- Abdominal bloating and discomfort an hour or more after a meal
- Indigestion
- Gas
- Undigested food passed into your stool
- Intestinal candida overgrowth
Why is it important to take a pancreatin supplement?
Healthy intestinal function and a balanced intestinal environment are essential to overall health and resistance to disease. But achieving this can be challenging. The pancreas, a small gland located near the stomach, is responsible for producing digestive enzymes and hormones that regulate blood sugar. Due to diets high in mineral depleted food, cooked food, and sugar and stressful living, the pancreas becomes overtaxed and unable to complete its function.
Assist SI is a pancreatin - a booster blend of naturally occurring pancreatic enzymes. This will provide natural enzymes that your pancreas already produces, which many people are unknowingly deficient in. Taken with food, pancreatin acts as a digestive enzyme. Taken on an empty stomach, it becomes what is known as a SYSTEMIC ENZYME, working throughout your body and affecting every organ.
As a systemic enzyme, Pancreatin been claimed to help treat:
- Inflammation
- Celiac disease
- Autoimmune diseases
- Food allergies
- Weight problems
- Immune deficiencies
- Cardiovascular issues
- Blood sugar irregularity
- Acne and skin disorders
- Candida, bad bacteria, and parasites
- Fibrosis
What Assist SI will do for you
- Helps digest vital nutrients in your small intestine
- Cleanses and detoxifies the small intestine
- Assists with digestion of milk proteins in dairy foods
- Promotes regular bowel function and elimination of toxins
- Maintains a healthy balance of intestinal microflora (beneficial bacteria)
- Used as an effective systemic enzyme
Assist SI fits perfectly into our full line of digestive enzymes, which work hand-in-hand to create a healthy and robust digestive system:
Take 1 -3 Assist SI with every meal, combining with Assist and Assist Dairy and Protein as follows:
Pancreatic enzymes in Assist SI that help facilitate digestion and cleansing:
- Pancreatin - contains the digestive enzymes trypsin, amylase, and lipase
- Protease - an enzyme that helps break down proteins
- Amylase - an enzyme that breaks starch down into sugar
- Lipase - an enzyme that breaks apart fat molecules
- Papain - an enzyme found naturally in unripe papayas which assists in the breakdown of food
- Bromelain - a mixture of enzymes found in the juice and stems of pineapples, it assists in the digestion of protein
- Lipase (alkaline) - an enzyme with an alkaline base that breaks down fats in foods
- Lipase (acid) - an enzyme with an acid base that breaks down fats in foods
- Trypsin & Chymotrypsin - these proteases break down proteins into basic amino acids
- Alpha Galactosidase - an enzyme that helps to break down complex or branching sugars (polysaccharides and oligosaccharides) in foods such as legumes and cruciferous vegetables
Recommended Serving Size and Instructions
Take 1 - 3 capsules with each meal. Combine with a href="assist-full-spectrum-enzymes.html>Assist Full Spectrum Enzymes and Assist Dairy & Protein for greater results.
" not only non-toxic, it also has several traditional medicinal uses. The Indian tribes of South America have used it as a digestive aid and have also applied it topically for years to help wound healing. Recent clinical studies have shown it can increase glucose tolerance and decrease blood sugar levels. Of the two sweeteners (aspartame and stevia), stevia wins hands down for safety." - Dr. Whitaker.
Studies suggest that stevia has a regulating effect on the pancreas and could help stabilize blood sugar levels in the body, therefore making it a safe dietary supplement for people with diabetes, hypoglycemia, and candidiasis.
"Stevia has virtually no calories. It dissolves easily in water and mixes well with all other sweeteners...I use it myself..." - Dr. Robert C. Atkins, MD, author of Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution
Body Ecology offers only the highest quality stevia extract (95% rebaudioside crystals). This extract was developed by taking only the sweet-tasting rebaudioside crystals, leaving behind the licorice-like flavor from the leaves and creating the ideal alternative to synthetic sweeteners.
"Upon the recommendation of Dr. Joseph Mercola, I decided to try the Stevia Concentrate because he said 'it is the best Stevia product he has ever tried'. Well, he was more than right. I cannot say enough about Body Ecology Stevia. I remember the day it arrived in the mail - I made a fresh container of Iced Tea and sweetened it with the Stevia. My husband and I both tried it and just loved it - yes, even my husband. I then let my Mother-In-Law try it and she loved it and is now using the Stevia also. So we have officially stopped using those bad artificial sweeteners now that we have found a good thing. Your Stevia is simply the best hands down!! A Stevia Fan in Louisiana. May God's Best be Yours!!!" - Gail from Gonzales, Louisiana
BED Stevia Liquid Concentrate is made from our super-high quality stevia mixed with filtered water. 2 ounces.
Suggested Use
Squeeze a fresh lemon into a glass of water and mix stevia to taste for a delicious, alkalizing lemonade.
Check out "The Stevia Cookbook" for great ideas on cooking and baking with stevia!
Conversion Chart
1 cup sugar= 1 teaspoon liquid or powder
1 tablespoon sugar= 1/4 teaspoon powder, 6-9 drops liquid
1 teaspoon sugar= pinch to 1/16 teaspoon powder, 2-4 drops liquid
Assist Full Spectrum is a powerful, fast acting, high potency enzyme formula. It is specially formulated to provide the widest range of useful digestive enzymes to help break down food, absorb nutrients and prevent gas and bloating.
Some food groups need several types of enzymes to become fully digested and to allow all the nutrients to be available for assimilation. Five different types of Protease are included to assure digestion of proteins over the entire pH range from 2.0 to 11.0, as found in the stomach and small intestine. Other formulas may only include one or two types of Protease. Assist is one of the most complete and powerful digestive enzymes available!
Ingredients include:
- Amylase (22,000 DU)
- Protease (80,000 HUT)
- Lipase (3,500 FIP)
- Cellulase (1,500 CU)
- Glucoamylase (50 AGU)
- Invertase (Sucrase) (40 INVU)
- Bromelain (500,000 PU)
- Papain (500,000 PU)
- alpha-Galactosidase (450 GALU)
- Peptidase FP (2,000 HUT)
- Malt Diastase (Maltase) (200 DP)
- Pectinase with phytase endo (150 PGU)
- Xylanase (600 XU)
- Hemicellulase (600 HCU)
- Other Ingredients: Vegetarian capsules
Contains no wheat, no soy, no artificial colors, no artificial flavors, no animal products, no fillers or excipients. Store in a cool place.
90 capsules (one month supply).
Get the most from what you eat. Assist Dairy and Protein maximizes your absorption of the protein you eat, minimizing waste or toxicity.
Now you can enjoy dairy foods again! You can enjoy the benefits of milk kefir without the side effects of the casein.
Strong digestive fire is key to optimal wellness. Yet certain proteins are often difficult to digest. ASSIST Dairy and Protein was designed to aid in the digestion of proteins from:
Animal Foods: This proprietary blend of Protease Enzymes plus significant amounts of HCl and Pepsin enhance digestion of meats, fish, poultry and eggs.
Dairy Foods: Fermenting milk into kefir and yogurt enhances digestion since the milk sugar, lactase, is broken down and consumed by the beneficial microflora. Dairy proteins and fats are also pre-digested, yet many people still need additional support. High amounts of the protease enzyme DPP-IV supports the optimal cleaving of casein and its exorphin peptide, casomorphin.
Nuts, Seeds and Legumes: These ideally should be soaked before eating to release their enzyme inhibitors.
Assist Dairy and Protein supports the digestion and absorption of the proteins contained in these nutritious foods and for all other vegetable-source protein containing foods.
One month's supply, 120 vegetarian capsules
Many of our customers have been asking for a protein supplement that is a reliable and safe source of energy, but also gentler and cleansing to the body. Body Ecology's Super Spirulina Plus is a superfood made from all-organic and all-fermented ingredients. Spirulina, quinoa, millet, biodynamic brown rice, chickpeas, and flaxseeds have been fermented with live, naturally-occurring beneficial microflora. All of the nutrients in this amazing food are predigested by the Lactobacillus microbes and are easily utilized by the body. Use Super Spirulina Plus daily to help naturally detoxify your body, maintain a healthy weight, and boost your energy.
The Powerful Protein Sources is Super Spirulina Plus
50% Spirulina, chick peas, biodynamic rice, flax seed, millet, and quinoa. Read more about their benefits below.
Who can use Super Spirulina Plus?
Super Spirulina Plus is an incredibly energizing, nutrient dense powder that is perfect for people who are:
- Beginning a detoxification program
- Fighting infection and disease
- Looking for a safe way to enhance their energy and health
- Following an organic or vegan diet
- Very active and who need to replenish often and well
Benefits of Super Spirulina Plus
Spirulina, the primary source of protein in Super Spirulina Plus, is an ancient super food. It is 60-70% protein by weight, a complete protein source, and rich in vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, & other nutrients. However, spirulina is difficult to digest and assimilate in its raw form, so this amazing powdered supplement is the optimal way to be sure you are getting all of the health benefits it contains!
Extensive research has shown it to be a truly remarkable food source, with its phenomenally high protein content and rich reserves of many vital nutrients, including vitamin B12 (essential for vegetarians). Spirulina also contains a formidable array of amino acids, vitamins, minerals and trace elements together with rare, unsaturated fats including gamma- linolenic acid.
Many of the densely concentrated nutrients in Spirulina help protect our bodies from stress and toxins. Scientific studies on animals and humans have shown that spirulina supports immune function, T-cell proliferation and antibody production. These studies have also shown that spirulina has anti-inflammatory properties, and helps deactivate the toxins in food.
Spirulina is known to contain phytonutrients with strong antioxidant properties which support cellular health by protecting the cell membranes and DNA from damage by reactive oxygen radicals. Many of the health benefits can be obtained from eating large amounts of certain fruits and vegetables. However, spirulina has all of these properties rolled into one.
Studies have shown that Spirulina can:
- Help your body fight infection
- Inhibit allergic reactions
- Destroy infected and cancerous cells
- Lower your Cholesterol
- Raise your HDL (good cholesterol) levels
- Fight obesity
More on what's inside Super Spirulina Plus:
Chick Peas: a great source of cholesterol-lowering fiber. In addition, their high fiber content prevents blood sugar levels from rising too rapidly after a meal, making these beans an especially good choice for individuals with diabetes, insulin resistance or hypoglycemia. When combined with whole grains such as rice, chick peas provide virtually fat-free, high quality protein.
Biodynamic Rice: contains high levels of insoluble fiber and contributes B vitamins — folic acid and pyridoxine — iron and potassium. Rice also contains the B vitamin thiamine, which is present in the brain. An excellent source of complex carbohydrates.
Flax Seed: is high in essential fatty acids and is a healing mucilage. Flax seed can be good for the bowel system, soothe cramps and heal inflammation. It provides Omega 3 and Omega 6 oils.
Millet: is the richest in protein of all the grains. It is also rich in sillica, which is also good for hair, nails and skin. Of all the cereals, millet contains the highest level of iron. Millet also contains magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and other minerals, along with vitamins A, B1, B2, B3 and small amounts of C.
Quinoa: has an almost perfect amino acid composition, a high content of calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron & a low sodium content.
100% fermented to magnify bio-availability. All vegan, kosher and organic.
No Artificial Colorings, Flavorings or Preservatives.
Each container contains up to 60 servings.
Did you know that we have to eat significantly MORE food today to get the same nutrients our parents got in the past? It’s sad but true.
Over-farming, chemical fertilizers and the stripping of nutrients to make processed foods means that food – even fresh fruits and vegetables -- are no longer what they used to be.
"Government data from both American and the United Kingdom have shown that the concentration and range of essential nutrients in the food supply has declined in the last few decades, with double digit declines of iron, zinc, calcium, selenium and other essential nutrients across a wide range of foods."2
Today, it may come as no surprise that we are overfed and undernourished. When your body needs more food to get necessary nutrients, it is in effect, starving, even on higher quantities of food. And if you eat processed foods, which are stripped of most of their already low nutrient content, it’s no wonder obesity and fatigue are rampant these days.
No matter where you look, you can see evidence that Americans are losing energy. From coffee to energy drinks, even kids and teens are looking for a quick energy boost to get through the day.
What’s happened to our energy?
Our diet is simply deficient in minerals. Even a healthy diet may lack the necessary minerals to boost your energy, detoxify and keep you feeling your best. In fact, your adrenals, your body’s chief energy producer (along with your thyroid), need a constant supply of minerals.
Minerals have a variety of functions. Here's a quick list of some important minerals and what they do in your body:
- Magnesium helps convert blood sugar to energy, and is the 'anti-stress' mineral.
- Calcium is the most abundant mineral in your body; it initiates DNA synthesis, maintains bone health and strong teeth.
- Potassium maintains acid/alkaline balance in your blood.
- Zinc promotes proper nerve, immune and digestive health and boosts immunity.
- Phosphorous helps maintain heart regularity, provides energy and aids in metabolism of fats and starches.
- Minerals can even help you sleep better at night!
Here are some of the symptoms that mineral deficiencies can cause:
- Acidic blood
- Constipation
- Low blood sugar
- Cravings
- Anxiety or hyperactivity
- Low energy
- Low libido
- Weight gain
- Aging
- Poor digestive health
- Low immunity
In fact, studies show that mineral deficiencies are at the root of every serious health problem. "How can I get enough minerals in my diet?"
For decades Body Ecology founder, Donna Gates, has been teaching about the importance of minerals to feed your adrenals and help your body heal. These days, most high quality mineral supplements come in liquid form, making them too difficult to use for your on-the-go lifestyle. Ancient Earth Minerals are the highest quality blend of humic, fulvic, micro and macro minerals and amino acids.
Ancient Earth Minerals are also the only high quality mineral supplement of its kind that you can take in capsule form, so you can benefit from a bio-available source of minerals and amino acids while on-the-go. This special blend of minerals and amino acids in Ancient Earth Minerals helps your body:
- Nourish your thyroid and adrenals
- Detoxify
- Reduce the signs of aging
- Build immunity
- Chelate heavy metals
- Your Most Bio-Available and Detoxifying Source of Minerals
The fulvic and humic minerals (fulvic acid and humic acid) in Ancient Earth Minerals are organic compounds that act as organic mineral carriers and detoxifiers. Research results suggest that humic and fulvic acid complexes enhance mineral and trace element uptake, supporting the maintenance of mineral and trace element balances without harmful buildup in the body's cells.
Following dissociation of the minerals and trace elements delivered by the humic/fulvic acid complex, the residual humic acid/fulvic acid complex in Ancient Earth Minerals can chelate heavy metals along the intestinal tract, in turn reducing heavy metal burdens in the digestive system. The only way the human body can benefit from mineral nutrients is if they are available to be absorbed. Ancient Earth Minerals enhances this absorption process by enabling minerals to pass through cell membranes.
The average plant derived mineral is less than 0.00001 micron in size, conceivably the size of a red blood cell. The body is made up of 100 trillion cells that need constant mineral nutrients to support the energy level for healthy, vigorous life. The fulvic acid in Ancient Earth Minerals is the transporter to the body's cells and humic acid is the carrier of minerals, trace elements and amino acids.
Is your body starving?
Most people today are literally starving from mineral deficiencies, but you don’t have to be one of them. Nourish yourself with Ancient Earth Minerals and help your body reap the rewards of good health and well-being!
The Food and Drug Administration have not evaluated these statements. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
- Hudák A, Náray M, Nagy I, Molnár M, Gömöry I, Ungváry G. The favorable effect of humic acid based complex micro-element preparations in cadmium exposure. Orv Hetil. 1997 Jun 1;138(22):1411-6.
- Halweil, Brian. Still No Free Lunch: Nutrient Levels in the US Food Supply Eroded by Pursuit of High Yields. The Organic Center, September 2007.