Probiotic Powerhouse and Digestive Enzymes: The Natural Way to Restore Your Health

Probiotic Powerhouse and Digestive Enzymes: The Natural Way to Restore Your Health

Probiotic Powerhouse and Digestive Enzymes: The Natural Way to Restore Your Health

Even an infant can benefit from regularly enjoying probiotic-rich foods and beverages to strengthen their inner ecology. Probiotics have been proven to prevent allergies, improve brain health, and cleanse the kidneys!

Probiotics are becoming more and more popular in the health community, but not all probiotics are created equal. Find out how to choose the right probiotics to improve your digestion and transform your health!

Probiotics may be the latest buzzword in health circles, but what benefits do they really provide for your health?

While a probiotic supplement could provide some value, it won’t have the power to transform your digestive health.

At their very core, probiotics full of friendly, beneficial bacteria have the power to support your immune and digestive health. Strengthening your inner ecosystem is the only true way to give your body the healthy microflora that it needs to fight off harmful bacteria and disease.

As of 1994, the World Health Organization declared probiotics to be the next-most important immune system defender when prescription antibiotics are ineffective due to antibiotic resistance1.

Since the digestive tract is the body’s primary immune organ – containing from 70%-80% of the body’s immune cells – it’s critical to consume fermented foods and probiotic drinks daily to maintain a balanced inner ecology.

While you may be nodding your head in agreement, it’s important to understand that not all probiotics are created equal…

Probiotic-Rich Foods and Beverages versus Probiotic Supplements

While it may be tempting to pop a pill to get your probiotic fix, it isn’t recommended. Strengthening digestive health is a step-by-step process that will support long-term vitality – which can’t be achieved with instant results.

To ensure that the probiotic-rich food or beverage that you consume is full of friendly, beneficial microflora necessary to build your immune system, heal your gut, and better digest your food, the fermentation process matters.

More Information about Gut Healing Diets: BED vs. GAPS Diets, Two Gut Healing Protocols

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