Kefir Milk: The Benefits for Great Health And the A1 vs A2 Debate

Kefir Milk: The Benefits for Great Health And the A1 vs A2 Debate

Kefir Milk: The Benefits for Great Health And the A1 vs A2 Debate

Kefir Milk

Some people chose to culture their milk, and Body Ecology’s Kefir Starter is a good option for this. While the benefits of kefir milk are many, primarily the grains eat up the milk sugars (lactose) and make it easier to digest.

What’s more, the bacteria in the kefir raw milk is very good for rehabbing the gut lining and restoring digestion. For those who fear they are lactose intolerant, kefir should not be a problem as the lactose is consumed. This also lessens the sugar content for those who feel non-kefir milk contributes to weight gain.

A1 versus A2

Okay, so you’re pretty sure you want to drink raw milk, not commercial or commercial organic milk. But wait, there’s more!

Welcome to the A1 versus A2 cow debate. In brief, Dr. Tom Cowan, the “go-to” authority on raw milk and co-founder of the Weston A. Price Foundation backs Sally Fallon’s (Nourishing Traditions) statement that, quite frankly, “American’s are breeding the wrong kind of cow for milk consumption.”

Cowan states: “The black and white cows – Holsteins and Friesians – generally give milk that contains a small but significant amount of beta-casein type A1, which behaves like an opiate and which epidemiological studies have implicated in heart disease, Type 1 diabetes, autism, and schizophrenia.”

He goes onto explain that there is an amino acid called BCM 7 causing the opiate effect to both cows and humans. BCM7 is released in the GI tract of animals and humans who drink A1 cow milk, and it is found in the blood and urine of these animals. In short, people who drink milk from A1 cows can be exposed to BCM7.

Please note, a respondent to Dr. Cowan’s intro, identifying himself as the editor for Woodford’s book, added that A1 milk can be procured from any herd, though it is less common in non-Holstein or Friesian herds. Another respondent suggested that while Jerseys produce more A2 than Holsteins, they might also produce A1 milk. Ultimately, the milk would need to be tested to determine its variety. This is a problem not only for raw milk but pasteurized as well. (*Ultra-pasteurization or any heat process increases the release of BCM7 from A1 milk. –Linda DeFever,Know Your Milk)



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