
Top 20 emerging superfoods for health and longevity

Content reviewed by Donna Gates
Written by Body Ecology on August 4th, 2021

Two of the smartest things you can do to look and feel your best, avoid and possibly even overcome disease, and live long are:

1) Eat more nutrient-dense foods that are also loaded with antioxidants.

2) Eat a wide range of these superfoods to ensure your body is getting the full spectrum of benefits.

To help you do both, I wanted to share with you an outstanding new research-based report by Brian Vaszily called, The Top 20 EMERGING Superfoods for Peak Health & Longevity. 

Get your completely FREE copy here right now

I’ve known Brian for a long time – he’s a widely respected natural health advocate and researcher for over 20 years.

And he’s giving you this important new 21-page report today in support of the forthcoming major online event I’ve been urging everyone NOT to miss, Younger, Longer: The Insider’s Health Summit. 

(By the way, on the page right after the free sign-up, don’t miss Brian’s brief story of how a cruel joke years ago actually inspired this unique event and has great significance for your health today – quite powerful!)

And in terms of clearly providing science-backed specifics on WHY these twenty up-and-coming “superstar” foods are so beneficial for your health – and how to consume each of them – Brian has over delivered with this Top 20 Emerging Superfoods report…

Click here now to get your free copy of this MUST-READ new guide

While many of the 20 foods you’re about to discover are now easily available…

…Most people aren’t yet aware that they’re some of the planet’s TOP superfoods.

Here’s what you’ll discover: 

>>> The berry that may just be THE highest antioxidant superfood in the world with an “ORAC” value of over 260,000 (blueberries have an ORAC of 4669 by comparison). Studies show they may be extremely powerful against certain types of cancer, and they are a true “superfood” for young-looking skin!

>>> The emerging “superstar” food that provides you around 7 times more vitamin C than oranges, 15 times more potassium than bananas, 17 times more calcium than milk, 25 times more iron than spinach… and even 9 times more protein than yogurt!

>>> The ancient Egyptian food making a BIG comeback now because they’re sky-high in antioxidants… provide high amounts of many types of nutrients including iron, magnesium, and zinc… they’re exceptional prebiotics to feed the “good bacteria” in your gut… AND they’re quite tasty and easy to eat!

>>> And 17 other emerging superfoods 

Get this new 21-page report completely FREE right now

Finally, as for the Younger, Longer: The Insider’s Health Summit

If you agree that “Growing Older Does NOT Mean Growing Old,” you’re going to want to pay very close attention to this important online event. 

Because in it, 22 world-renowned longevity and healthy-aging doctors will be revealing no less than the most effective steps of ALL that you must take to truly live long and live well!

Head here now and enjoy the excellent new report from Brian Vaszily and the important summit. 

To living long and living well,




P.S. The very useful Top 20 EMERGING Superfoods for Peak Health & Longevity guide even provides a section on “Little-Known Superfoods to ‘Feed’ Your SKIN” if healthy, young-looking skin is important to you.

This includes a plant long used in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine that can be outstanding for decreasing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and brightening skin tone. Research even showed it was just as effective as retinol for the skin – without the potential side effects!

Head here now for this fascinating new report

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