
The Future of Medicine: The Latest Breakthroughs in Cancer, Weight Loss, Detox, Ketosis, Genetics + Gut Microbiome

Ketosis is on fire…

The stem cell industry is exploding…

Gut health tests and products are seeing historic demand…

New innovations in detoxification are changing people’s lives…

Millions of health-seekers are experiencing the healing miracle of fasting…

And now you can learn from top experts in the world in these areas, LIVE from Newport Beach:

===> Get exclusive access to the LIVESTREAM Health Accelerator Event, November 16 [register here to save]

I’ll be speaking on how to create a gut smart, gene smart way of life, which includes…

  • what to eat to change your genes
  • the worst foods for your genes
  • most common gene-hurting mistakes

And together, we are going to dispel so MANY dangerous myths, misunderstandings, and mistakes…

Because while all of these cutting-edge therapies are powerful and backed by science, many people do NOT get the results they want from them.

Instead, they experience low energy… indigestion… even toxicity… because they do these protocols the wrong way.

Whether you’re a practitioner who wants to guide your patients through effective fasting, Keto, gut-rebalancing, stem cell therapies, or cellular detox…

Or, if you’re someone who is looking for answers to questions as a result of chronic health issues or you’re simply passionate about health.  Either way,  this will allow you to cut through all the confusion…

===> Time is running out to register for this livestream and get the best kept secrets from these top experts for fasting,  gut health, epigenetics, stem cell therapy, true cellular detox, cancer and more.

Some of the experts speaking rarely speak publicly, including myself, and we will be covering these cutting-edge, alternative health areas.  I really don’t want you to miss this one.

Get your discounted tickets here so that you can benefit from learning everyone’s latest secrets—before they make it into their next books!  The LIVESTREAM tickets even include a 90-day replay.

I hope to see you on the LIVESTREAM event on November 16th!




P.S.— If you want to attend in person, you can still purchase tickets even though it says sold out!

P.S.S. — This event is normally reserved for health practitioners, but if you’re someone who wants to learn the latest in ketosis, intermittent fasting, stem cell therapy, true cellular detox, weight loss, and more… this is for you.

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