
All Body Ecology Articles

Strep B and the Body Ecology Recommendations to Prevent and

Most pregnant women strive to take meticulous care of themselves during pregnancy. Eating well, resting and a moderate amount of...

Macular Degeneration: What It Is, and the Body Ecology Guide

Are you too young to wear eyeglasses? If you want to prevent age related macular degeneration, then Body Ecology can...

When Do Fermented Foods Go Bad? Our Most Frequently Asked

As the recognized leader in making probiotics from healthy liquids and foods an essential part of your diet, Body Ecology...

The Six Thousand Hidden Dangers of Processed Foods (and What

The first image that comes to mind for most people when they hear the term "processed food" is a wrapped...

Buckwheat & Quinoa Top Gluten Free Nutrition

You can still enjoy your favorite dishes even if you’ve given up gluten. For a real treat the kids will...

Q&A with Donna Gates: When Do Eggs, Meats, Fermented Foods

Many of us look for the "use by" dates on packages of meat, eggs, and dairy products as an indicator...

Enemas: Is this the recovery tool you’re not using yet?

Most people greet the notion of home enemas with a wince and a snicker. But knowing the benefits of an...

Nutrition Labels on Food: How to Read Them, and Read

Reading nutrition labels can be tricky, but is essential if you want to eat healthy and protect your health. Learn...

Neem Powder: Why This is a TOP Recommendation for Acne,

India has so much to offer: yoga, Dal, coconut oil, spices, Sanskrit... And Neem. Grown in India with worldwide fame,...

The Dangers of Typical Body Soaps and The Body Ecology

These are just a few of the ingredients found in commercial body soaps. Is your morning shower actually a hazardous chemical...

Why Pregnant Mothers – and Any Woman Who Someday MIGHT

Pregnancy is a time to celebrate the creation of life. And let’s face it cravings are often a part of...

Potassium Deficiency Symptoms and the Best Natural Solutions

Are you feeling unusually tired after exercise, having muscle spasms or heart problems? Then you may need more potassium in...

Low stomach acid fatigue: The risks, symptoms & solutions

The multi-billion dollar antacid industry has you believing that stomach acid is bad for you. As you age, your stomach...

Triclosan: Where It’s Found, Why It’s Dangerous and How You

Antibacterial hand sanitizers and antibacterial soaps seem like they fight germs and prevent illness, but they contain the chemical triclosan...

How, when & why to introduce babies to probiotics

It's okay if your baby gives you a funny look the first time you give her fermented vegetable juice. Getting...

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