
Challenges You May Encounter when Culturing Your Foods – Including the Surprising Emotional Ones

Got a shockingly bad batch of cultured vegetables and don’t know why? Learn how negative emotions could be the culprit and how to gear up for a perfect batch next time!

Mold. Slime. Bad smells. Bad taste. Cultured vegetables are supposed to be easy to make, so what went wrong?

We get this question every now and then as Body Ecology customers venture into the world of making cultured vegetables on their own for the first time.

If making cultured vegetables takes you out of your comfort zone, we don’t blame you! Fermenting foods is an ancient tradition from almost every culture that has long been forgotten as processed foods became more common in our diets.

So for those of you who are experimenting with making these superfoods part of your health and healing program, we acknowledge you!

Our long-time customers have told us that with each new batch, their skill – and their health – improves.

We asked one of our Certified Body Ecologists (CBEs), Caroline Barringer, to share her tips for making the best cultured vegetables from your first time and beyond. And she should know – she makes and ships batches all over the country — so she has it down to a science!

In part one of this two-part article, we are going to share one of the most critical keys to getting a good batch of cultured vegetables, and this one may surprise you. It’s your state of mind.

Why start here? Because as Caroline tells us, “You can do everything right and still do it wrong…depending on your emotions when you are making them.”

Caroline has found that most people can follow the best tips and directions for making cultured vegetables, but she says if you are feeling negative emotions like anger, fear, frustration or anxiety while making your cultured vegetables, it will negatively affect the end result.

Caroline’s Story

Caroline Barringer, CEO and Director of Immunitrition, is a Certified Cultured Foods Specialist (CCFS), Certified Body Ecologist (CBE), Certified Energy Therapist (EFT), Certified Body Talk Practitioner (CBP), and international health lecturer.

She has been making cultured vegetables since 1992, when she first experimented with making cultured kraut in big bubblegum jars. In the world of culturing vegetables, she’s seen and tried it all before perfecting her technique.

Caroline learned the hard way that negative emotions can ruin an entire batch of cultured vegetables…an expensive lesson when you are preparing them to be shipped to regular customers.

But it’s a lesson she only had to learn once and she wanted to share it with us so that others who are making cultured vegetables could benefit from her newfound wisdom.

A typically upbeat person, Caroline surrounds herself with people she loves when preparing her cultured vegetables. Her commercial kitchen is alive with music, laughter, and even love, when her boyfriend, Steve, works in the kitchen with her.

On one occasion, there was a break in Caroline’s typical routine and she arrived in her kitchen alone and angry after a fight with Steve. Under deadline for her orders, she prepared the vegetables, feeling the energy of her anger in each chop of the knife, each shred of the vegetables.

Within 2 days, this batch of cultured vegetables smelled bad and as the days progressed, they got darker. In 5 days, they looked “swampy and toxic,” according to Caroline.

She knew immediately that it was not the process that went wrong, but her negative emotions while making them.

Can Emotions Affect Cultured Vegetables?

Caroline referenced The Hidden Messages In Water, by Dr. Masaru Emoto, who conducted studies on water, finding that it’s molecular structure is affected by our thoughts, emotions, music, words and ideas.

In fact, Dr. Emoto said that everything we say, think and feel has a vibration and these vibrations effect the water as evidenced by photographs he took of how water crystals changed in a variety of situations.

Since then, Caroline focuses on creating a joyful, positive state of mind each time she prepares her cultured vegetables…and all of her fermented foods and drinks, for that matter.

Clear Your Negative Emotions BEFORE Culturing

One of the tips Caroline gave us for how to clear negative energy if you MUST culture vegetables when feeling stressed, upset or exhausted is to use theEmotional Freedom Technique (EFT). EFT is a system of healing that has been shown to reduce anxiety, increase relaxation and even cure addiction. By tapping on emotional acupressure points, EFT can help you clear negative thoughts and get relief from pain, diseases and emotional issues.

Using EFT is a great way to make sure you can truly release negative emotions, so that they don’t transfer into your healing foods.

“Two years ago, 1 1/2 hours of EFT work lifted an eight year long depression for which I had been using meds – I KNOW personally how amazing EFT is.” – Janice Smylie. Learn More about the “Emotional Freedom Technique” Now

Next Time You Culture Vegetables…Take 10

So next time you are getting ready to make cultured vegetables, take 10 minutes to step back and assess your state of mind. Are you feeling stressed, anxious, angry, overwhelmed or exhausted? Or are you feeling joyful, energized, enthusiastic and peaceful?

If you can’t choose the time you’re making your fermented foods and drinks based on how you feel, consider changing how you feel before you begin. It could very well be the difference between delicious and disaster in your cultured vegetables.

Stay tuned for next week’s article, where Caroline shares tips for getting organized and techniques for making a perfect batch of cultured vegetables every time!

In the meantime, if you are ready to start your own batch of fermented foods or drinks and want to know where to start, read: Which Fermented Food Starter Should You Use for What?

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