
How To Cleanse Your Body of Toxins

By Donna Gates, as seen on:

Everyday, we are exposed to an overwhelming amount of toxins. Toxins lodge in cells, tissues, and muscles and completely overwhelm the body. But did you know that toxins also accumulate in each successive generation? That means many of the toxins in your body were inherited from toxins stored in the cells of your parents!

Today, almost every fetus (human and animal) is inundated with toxins. In fact, one study showed over 200 chemicals in umbilical cords that can cause cancer, brain damage, birth defects, and other serious illness.

So, whether you feel great and just want to live a more vibrant life or are trying to heal a chronic condition, the first step is cleansing these toxins!

Cleansing is nature’s way of assisting the body to find balance. While there are many effective cleanse kits and programs, the simplest way to cleanse is to change your diet. The Body Ecology Principle of Cleansing, the most important principle in my mind, teaches that eating healthier foods will strengthen your body and recharge it–that energy will automatically begin the cleansing process.

Cleansing will not only create energy, it also leads to healthier, hair, skin, and nails, builds the immune system, increases your sense of well being, reduces your sugar cravings, digestive issues, and joint pain, enhances libido, regulates sleep, and slows the aging process.

Here are 10 simple ways to cleanse naturally:

1. Hydrate. Water will move the toxins through the elimination channels.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar. Try one glass of water with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a few drops of stevia. This will alkalize and improve peristalsis.

3. Fermented Foods and Drinks. The beneficial bacteria clean your intestines.

4. Alkaline Forming Foods. Ocean and plant vegetables reduce infection load.

5. Avoid Processed Foods. Most packaged foods are filled with fillers, rancid oils, and other toxic ingredients like High Fructose Corn Syrup.

6. Small Meals. Follow the 80/20 Rule. Eat until your stomach is 80% full and leave 20% empty for digestion. Overeating slows digestion/elimination and feeds infection.

7. Eliminate sugar. Sugar feeds infection and causes inflammation. Use stevia instead.

8. Gentle Exercise. Rebounding, tai chi, yoga, and stretching move lymph fluid.

9. Rest. If you feel tired, allow yourself to rest. The body needs energy to cleanse.

10. Lower Stress. Stress lowers the immune system and causes cells to collect toxins.

Remember, even with the best lifestyle choices, your body will still need to cleanse regularly. So make cleansing a daily focus by choosing a clean and healthy diet.

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