
Essential Feng Shui Tips to Improve Your Health Both Inside and Out!

We spend about one third of our life in our bedroom and about one third of our life in our workspaces. If two thirds of our lives are spent in these two places, we must ask ourselves how is the quality of the energy in these environments? Have you ever thought much about how the quality of energy in these two places could affect your health?

Everything in your personal space mirrors your inner self just as you mirror your surroundings.

Feng Shui is an ancient art and science, as well as a living skill that provides us with a systematic method to assess and improve the quality of energy in our personal environment. Higher quality energies in our personal space will result in better sleep, faster recoveries from health challenges, greater vitality and wellbeing, and more creativity. This can be likened to how the higher vibrational, nutritious foods on the Body Ecology Diet change you on a cellular level.

Every aspect of your life is “energetically” anchored in your physical space, as well as your “inner spaces”. In essence, your environment reflects your ability to express your inner spiritual beauty, and vice versa.

Feng means “wind” in Chinese, and Shui means “water.”

The interplay of wind and water represents the constantly changing interaction of male and female energies called Yin and Yang in the Taoist philosophy. Wind represents the movement of Qi, or cosmic male energy. Water represents the movement of earthly, material forces, or female energies. The interplay of the Yin and Yang in nature has a strong influence upon the Yin/Yang balance of the human body and its various subtle energy fields. When the Yin/Yang balance of your personal space is optimized and energized through Feng Shui, then the human body will respond positively to the regenerative forces of nature.

You can experience improvements to your health and wellbeing, and the return to wholeness will become a natural and spontaneous process.

You cannot neglect the importance of external and internal influences upon your health. Creating good Feng Shui is important for optimum health in combination with the Body Ecology Diet, quality sleep, inner peace, exercise, and the daily reaffirmation of your connection with your spiritual source.

Feng Shui is a very deep and profound study that goes far beyond simplistic efforts of rearranging furniture, hanging wind chimes, and placing mirrors on various walls. While these aspects of arranging space do play a part in the space dimension of Feng Shui, we also must focus on the third dimension of Feng Shui, which is the interface between your body’s energy and the energy of your environment. In other words, it is vital to incorporate Inner Feng Shui to enhance our Life Force Energy, or Inner Chi, and become aware of how Yin/Yang energy flows within the human body to create vibrant health. The body seeks homeostasis, as the Body Ecology Diet Principle of Expansion/Contraction teaches, and every food has Yin or Yang energy.

Feng Shui uses an eight-sided symbol known as the Pa Kua (or Ba Gua), which has an intimate relationship to Feng Shui, along with astrological influences and the understanding of the human body through Traditional Chinese Medicine – where the Five Universal Elements of Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, and Wood each represent a different organ system. All of the above influence our health, if we define health holistically as being inclusive of physical, emotional, social, and spiritual wellbeing.

As we begin the New Year, it is the ideal time to choose what you would like to create in your life in 2011!

Have you made room and created the “space” for new possibilities and opportunities to find their way into your life?

Here are a few ideas to create that space…


  • First, you must look within to identify the emotional clutter or baggage clogging your ability to radiate your inner divinity. Clear the mental/emotional clutter by letting go of mental blocks obstructing the natural flow of Chi in your mind and body, thus creating self-imposed limitations in your life.
  • Begin by making a commitment to “let go” of the things that cause you pain or anguish, bring up unhappy memories, dull your brain, and drain your energy.
  • Break down the bigger issues into smaller ones, and tackle each one step-by-step (like the Body Ecology Diet Principle).
  • Quiet the mental chatter through something as simple as taking in three deep cleansing breaths and surrendering the emotion as you exhale.

These are profound spiritual rituals and techniques to assist you in finding inner balance and clearing the debris that prevents you from connecting with your true self. You will discover that you will bring your energy into the present, and instead of being dispersed in many different directions, you will become centered, focused, and at peace with yourself.

Here are a few more tips to celebrate your true self this year:

  • It may be that you choose to do something as simple as get a new haircut or purchase clothes in colors that make you feel more attractive, energized, and alive.
  • You may choose a new exercise that infuses a lot of yang energy into your body, such as bouncing on a rebounder to assist the lymphatic system in cleansing all of the tissues of the body.
  • Good hydration with clean and pure water throughout the day will cleanse and purify your body, as well as transport oxygen and nutrients to your cells and flush away toxins.
  • Soaking and rinsing your colon with purified water will aid in the release of old vibrational energy stored within your body and create new vibrant energy.
  • Immersing yourself in a cleansing salt water bath will eliminate mental/emotional and physical toxins through the skin, which is one of your largest organs of elimination. This is also an excellent way to purge electromagnetic and geopathic stress from your body.
  • Spend time outdoors by taking time for simple walks by the ocean or in nature to balance your energy.

Taking the time to cleanse your living area and workspace this New Year can reflect in balanced and healthy emotions. Use the art of Feng Shui coupled with Body Ecology Diet Principles to remove all negativity from your environment and start fresh this year!


  • Revitalize your living and workspace with a makeover, too. Get organized by discarding and giving away what you no longer love, need, or use.
  • Thoroughly clean everything to experience the special energy in a room that shines.
  • As you dust, clean, and move your furniture, imagine that this will sweep away all negative thoughts and obstacles that block your true awakening. Visualize emotions such as fear, anger, and attachments you would like to let go of being erased.
  • Cleanse and refresh the air, and invite in new Chi energy by opening all the windows and doors and turning on the fans. Do this on a yang, sun-shiny day for at least an hour. If possible, choose a day after rain to bring in the vibrant air that has been cleansed. The energy that flows into your space will be infused with the clean energy of the rain (water), as well as the energy of the sun (fire).
  • From there, purify with a very special incense made from herbs and plants that come from the mountains, where the energies are pure and powerful.
  • Clear the energy of your space with singing bowls made of seven types of metal, which represent the seven chakras, or energy centers, in the body.
  • Use wind chimes and bells, which resonate at very high vibrational frequencies, to clear any bad vibes left over from arguments, negative thoughts, and illness. Choose those that are engraved with special and very powerful mantras to make the energy of the space much lighter and create wonderful Feng Shui.

Get the Qi flowing, and let us know how it shifts your health and your life!!

Sheree Zink is a Feng Shui Teacher and Consultant and Body Ecology Coach. For more information or a consultation: www.ShereeZink.com


Are you ready for a big change in the New Year? Then it is the perfect time to use the ancient art of Feng Shui to improve your health by removing both external and internal negative influences. Feng Shui works best coupled with Body Ecology Diet Principles, which will help to balance the energy of your body and your surrounding environment. You can clear your internal clutter to energize your mind and body with a few simple tips, and complete the process by learning Feng Shui methods to energize your living space and reduce external clutter today!

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