Constipation bundle: InnergyBiotic, EcoPhage, GI Distress, and LivAmend
A healthy colon will eliminate the contents of the lower bowel at least once per day, ideally in the morning. But with so many common lifestyle factors contributing to constipation, it's not uncommon for many people to go days without a bowel movement!
Health and disease both begin in the colon. If you struggle with constipation, here is one of the most effective step-by-step processes to help heal your colon.
STEP 1: THE 4 F’s
An easy way to think about how to relieve and prevent constipation is to keep in mind the 4 F’s — It’s essential to have:
1. FIBER - The best source of fiber is from plants, especially plants from the cruciferous family (brussels sprouts, kale, etc.) - but all veggies are great! Some low sugar fruit like berries, especially blueberries, are another good source. You can also try adding in more sour fruits too, like grapefruit. And be sure to use lemons and limes in your smoothies, and in sparkling water!
2. FATS + OILS – Choose good, healthy fats and oils - these can help to increase motility and bile flow. Use olive oil, ghee or coconut oil when cooking, and in salads. Add MCT oil to a morning vegetable smoothie, or try some grass-fed butter on foods like broccoli and red skin potatoes. Just watch the intake of MCT or coconut oil though - it can result in loose stools.
When it comes to picking healthy fats, which are also good for the thyroid, take a good fish oil orally or eat sustainably caught wild salmon 2 - 3 times per week. You can also add in avocado’s, pumpkin seeds, coconut, sunflower seeds and flax seeds to your diet.
3. FLUIDS – Stay hydrated! Drink lots of water. If you aren’t a big water drinker, you can squeeze a little lime or lemon juice in your glass and make a healthy lemonade with just a few drops of stevia to taste. A great recipe that is hydrating and delicious in a hot or cold hibiscus tea with mint. You can even add a little Celtic Sea Salt to your water.
4. FLORA – Bifidobacteria fight inflammation and keep the gut healthy. They're essential in warding off infection and may even protect against the development of disease. This is but one reason why probiotics become increasingly important with each passing year. As you age, a high-quality probiotic like the GI Distress Relief can support both your immune system and your digestion. Take 2 capsules of GI Distress Relief twice a day to populate your gut with good bacteria to help alleviate constipation.
Innergybiotic - This liquid probiotic contains powerful ingredients to help create a healthy microbiome of very hardy, diverse microbes in the intestines. You only need to take 3 - 4 ounces with a meal. Innergybiotic can play a vital role in improving immunity, brain function, a sense of well being, skin health and longevity.
EcoPhage - The bacteriophages in EcoPhage literally wipe out pathogens in the digestive tract that cause most digestive problems, clean up the gut to restore order and promote a healthy immune system. AND, it hugely supports SIBO, IBS, and UTI recovery, heart and colon health and may even help lower cholesterol.
Bifidus in GI Distress Relief - This is a very important bacteria, and many studies exist showing how important it is for preventing constipation. You can use 2 - 4 capsules, and put them into filtered/purified water or take them orally, twice a day.
LivAmend - Helping increase bile flow from the liver, LivAmend helps get rid of toxins and protects the liver and other cells in the body. It’s important to get rid of the toxins produced naturally inside the body as well as those coming from the outside world. Bile also stimulates peristaltic movement so that you eliminate better, helping toxins leave your body and preventing disease. Taking 3 capsules, 3 times a day will help digest fats, increase bile flow and foster elimination.
Another thing to pay attention to is how to arrange the food on your plate, Body Ecology style for 30 years: 80% veggies, with 20% animal protein. The best time of the day for most people is to eat animal protein between 11am-2pm with salad and/or other non-starchy veggies. The evening meal ideally should be 80% veggies, 20% starchy veggie and/or the Body Ecology grain-like seeds like quinoa, millet or if on stage two, colored rices (black and red), which are especially healthy (they contain a lot of antioxidants and other nutrients unlike plain rice).
Ideally, dinner should be vegetarian, containing lots of vegetables and complex carbs (like red and black rice, quinoa, millet, etc). Fermented veggies are a must to enhance digestion too – just a spoonful with every meal will work wonders (unless you have a condition like SIBO, in which case you would avoid fermented veggies until your gut is healed and ready).
STEP 4: Principle of Uniqueness + Your Genes
This process will help build an excellent foundation. Remember too that the Principle of Uniqueness comes into play with any type of diet and/or treatment you end up choosing (often, one food can work great for some and not so great for others). Some people also have conditions that will require adjustments to their diet and/or treatment - listen to the cues your body gives you!
If you end up finding yourself searching for more answers, remember we have great tools today to hone in on health. One tool is using genetic testing. If you do get your genes tested and need help with interpreting the data, there are people that do provide this service. Knowing your genes can help hit the nail on the head even more to determine unique needs Stay connected and please let us know how it works for you!