Remove, Repair, Repopulate.

Deep cleaning promotes deep healing, and it only takes three steps!

body ecology how breaking biofilm can change everything

Breaking bad: How breaking bacteria’s tough biofilm can change everything.

It’s incredibly common. A slimy biofilm that protects pathogenic bacteria in your gut can be the reason health problems just won’t go away. Toxins produced by these pathogens cause an ongoing imbalance in the gut and can be the root cause of many problems that you probably don’t suspect are related to your gut.

What’s a biofilm?

Once bacteria form a community, they start to excrete a sticky, sugary, mucus-like substance. This thin layer of microbes and mucus then shut out the outside world to ensure their own survival. Biofilms are formed by good bacteria too. But chronic digestive problems are a sign that you are most likely hosting pathogenic biofilms.

body ecology what is biofilm
body ecology biofilms are involved in most gut infections

Biofilms are involved in 80% of chronic gut infections

That sticky shield that the bad guys create to safeguard themselves is responsible for the vast majority of chronic and recurrent infections.1 If you’ve suffered from a persistent infection of the mouth, lungs, heart, eyes, ears, skin, and especially the gut, you can be sure that bacterial biofilms are present.

Scientists have detected biofilms on fossils dating back over 3.25 billion years, but one of the most common biofilms we humans struggle with is the plaque on your teeth. Are chronic sinus infections a problem for you? Studies have found pathogenic biofilm among almost 60 percent of chronic sinus infections, in contrast to control groups of people without biofilm -- and without sinus infections.2 If you suffer from any long term, unresolved infection there’s probably a biofilm at play.  

Biofilms are almost impossible to eradicate

Baking soda breaks down grease, making it easier for us to clean our kitchen surfaces, researchers explained in a new study conducted in 2020. The team, from Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University (LKSOM) in Philadelphia, proved that recently developed therapeutic molecules can work in the same way, exposing pathogens to better treat infection.3

Busting open the biofilm that keeps pathogenic bacteria protected is the key.

This study was geared toward breaking down bacterial biofilms in a hospital setting, using a new 3H3 antibody. In hospitals, biofilms can form on catheters, prosthetics, and human tissue. Because of their impenetrable matrix, biofilms are nearly impossible to remove and frequently spread fatal infection.

For hospital patients, the potential use of this new antibody could be lifesaving. But there’s no reason to wait for chronic health issues to escalate. Disabling their protective mechanism can stop pathogenic bacteria from invading.

Natural enzymes make this possible. Dissolving biofilm enzymatically is a gentle, intuitive process. It works like a deep cleaning. More new research shows that as enzymes degrade a biofilm, bacterial cells are released and then easily expelled from the body.4

Once complete, this will result in an oxygenated environment where healthy bacteria in your gut can flourish – restoring microbiome balance and gut diversity. 

Enzymes beat antibiotics in blasting bacteria

Biofilms have been described as sophisticated. Their fortress is hard to breach. A biofilm can make it exceedingly difficult for the immune system -- let alone an antibiotic -- to eliminate disease and infection.5 But because of the way the gut was designed, natural enzymes are enough to outsmart them. 

These enzymes include:

Beta glucanase: A carbohydrate enzyme that breaks down β-glucans, beta glucanase may work as an antibiofilm agent by disrupting biofilm formation.6

Hemicellulase: An enzyme naturally produced by gut bacteria, hemicellulase helps break down the plant fibers you eat. It also busts open biofilm -- eradicating 77 percent in just 10 minutes, when used with other supporting enzymes.7

Protease: A protein-digesting enzyme, protease proves powerful in penetrating even the stickiest of biofilms -- like those of Staphylococcus aureus bacterium, a primary cause of hospital-acquired infections.8

Xylanase: Another enzyme that breaks down plant fibers, xylanase is also produced by gut bacteria. Xylanase breaks down biofilms -- specifically, decreasing the viscosity of infectious (and often hospital-acquired) Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacterium.9

Mixing these enzymes with magnesium oxide -- a mineral missing in processed “modern” foods and due poor soil quality -- makes gut repair possible. This includes restoration for chronic dysbiosis, as well as persistent gut infections like SIBO or C.diff (usually caused by certain antibiotics).

Magnesium oxide has known antimicrobial activity. When magnesium oxide's potency was tested against nine pathogenic microorganisms, findings showed that as the mineral’s concentration increased, bacteria and yeasts’ adhesion decreased. Magnesium oxide disrupted newly formed biofilms and damaged the membranes of E. coli and some yeast.10  

body ecology enzymes beat antibiotics in blasting bacteria

So how does this compare this to antibiotics? There’s a big difference. Bacterial cells that have biofilms may be up to 1,000 times more antibiotic resistant.1 Even worse, antibiotics can trigger biofilm formation.11 

The most powerful way to give your gut a spring cleaning. Deep cleaning promotes deep healing, and it only takes three steps: 

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The ultimate deep cleaning formula

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To start repairing the gut microbiome, eliminate processed and toxic foods, gluten, and harmful oils. EcoOxyZyme goes a step further to help detoxify biofilms where virulent pathogens like yeast, viruses, parasites, and bacteria are hiding.


Vitality SuperGreen and our Probiotic Protein Shake with four strains of bacillus bacteria have been formulated to help heal the gut lining, and both are great in smoothies too! Bone broths have also become popular to help heal the gut lining.


Here’s where we shine! Diversity is key. Our Probiotic Protein Shake, our starters, for making kefir and cultured vegetables and our Probiotic Power Shots & Mixers all replenish and maintain the diversity of beneficial bacteria in your gut.

● Seasonal Cleanse. EcoOxyZyme™ can be a powerful tool during an intestinal detox 2 to 3 times a year.

● Everyday Use. Those seeking intestinal regularity and a heightened immune system may benefit from taking a maintenance dose of 1 to 2 capsules a day.

● Immunity Booster. Taking a preventative dose of 2 to 3 capsules a day during cold and flu season may also be great for preventing harmful biofilms. Enzymes bound with magnesium oxide and ozone give it laxative properties. A cleaner colon means a heartier, more robust immune system!

Dosage Reminder.

Start low, go slow. Personal dosage varies. Remember Body Ecology’s Principle of Uniqueness and adjust as necessary.

As always, it’s important to gauge your body’s sensitivity and never exceed the advised dosage on the bottle. The suggested dose for a 3-day or week-long cleanse is around 4 to 10 capsules per day in divided amounts. Please note: You are very unique. If you feel a lot of gurgling but are not eliminating an enema or mild laxative is recommended.

Magnesium Oxide + Oxygen = Your Go-To Daily Intestinal Maintenance

If you’re suffering from chronic or unresolved digestive problems, EcoOxyZyme was designed to help. Naturally break down the biofilms that could be holding you back from creating a healthy microbiome. Take the first step toward internal healing


1. Sharma, D., Misba, L. & Khan, A.U. Antibiotics versus biofilm: an emerging battleground in microbial communities. Antimicrob Resist Infect Control 8, 76 (2019).

2. Li H, Wang D, Sun X, Hu L, Yu H, Wang J. Relationship between bacterial biofilm and clinical features of patients with chronic rhinosinusitis. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2012;269(1):155-163. doi:10.1007/s00405-011-1683-y.

3. Sarah A. Tursi, Rama Devudu Puligedda, Paul Szabo, Lauren K. Nicastro, Amanda L. Miller, Connie Qiu, Stefania Gallucci, Norman R. Relkin, Bettina A. Buttaro, Scott K. Dessain, Çagla Tükel. Salmonella Typhimurium biofilm disruption by a human antibody that binds a pan-amyloid epitope on curli. Nature Communications, 2020; 11 (1) DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-14685-3.

4. Muhammad MH, Idris AL, Fan X, et al. Beyond Risk: Bacterial Biofilms and Their Regulating Approaches. Front Microbiol. 2020;11:928. Published 2020 May 21. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2020.00928.

5. Ghosh A, Jayaraman N, Chatterji D. Small-Molecule Inhibition of Bacterial Biofilm. ACS Omega. 2020;5(7):3108-3115. Published 2020 Feb 12. doi:10.1021/acsomega.9b03695.

6. Tan Y, Ma S, Leonhard M, Moser D, Schneider-Stickler B. β-1,3-glucanase disrupts biofilm formation and increases antifungal susceptibility of Candida albicans DAY185. Int J Biol Macromol. 2018;108:942-946. doi:10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2017.11.003.

7. Valeria Borszcz, Taisa P. Boscato, Juliana Flach, Karine Cence, Jamile Zeni, Rogério Luis Cansian, Geciane Toniazzo Backes, and Eunice Valduga. Industrial Biotechnology.Dec 2017.311-318.

8. Mukherji R, Patil A, and Prabhune A. Role of Extracellular Proteases in Biofilm Disruption of Gram Positive Bacteria with Special Emphasis on Staphylococcus aureus Biofilms. Mukherji, et al., Enz Eng 2015, 4:1 DOI: 10.4172/2329-6674.1000126.

9. Lee JH, Kim YG, Lee J. Thermostable xylanase inhibits and disassembles Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms. Biofouling. 2018;34(3):346-356. doi:10.1080/08927014.2018.1440551.

10. Nguyen, N.T., Grelling, N., Wetteland, C.L. et al. Antimicrobial Activities and Mechanisms of Magnesium Oxide Nanoparticles (nMgO) against Pathogenic Bacteria, Yeasts, and Biofilms. Sci Rep 8, 16260 (2018).

11. Olivares E, Badel-Berchoux S, Provot C, Prévost G, Bernardi T, Jehl F. Clinical Impact of Antibiotics for the Treatment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilm Infections. Front Microbiol. 2020;10:2894. Published 2020 Jan 9. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2019.02894.