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Kefir Starter / Culture Starter

Is it possible for my jars of cultured vegetables to explode during fermentation?
Your jars of cultured vegetables should not explode. It is however possible for ...
Can you use a plastic container to make kefir or cultured vegetables?
Although it is possible to ferment foods/beverages in plastic containers, we rec...
Does fermentation of cruciferous vegetable such as cabbage remove their thyroid-suppressant properties?
At Body Ecology we believe that fermentation may mitigate the effects of the thy...
Do you have any recipes or tips for making my cultured vegetables?
The instructions that come with our Culture Starter contain detailed instruction...
Is it necessary to use Body Ecology Culture Starter to ferment vegetables?
It is not necessary, but traditionally cultured vegetables are generally prepare...
How will I know when my vegetables have fermented properly?
Once your batch has properly cultured, the brine should be bubbling, and the veg...
How long will it take for my vegetables to ferment properly?
You will want to ferment the vegetables for a minimum of three days. However, yo...
What amount of cultured vegetables will a box of your Culture Starter make?
Each packet of Culture Starter can make up to a gallon, or four to six quarts of...
How soon should I begin making my transfers for new batches of kefir?
We would recommend making your transfer within the first 3 days while the bacter...
How are the bacteria in your starters grown? Do they contain dairy?
A small amount of dairy is used in the production of the cultures in our starter...
How do I know that the coconut water/milk has been heated to the recommended 92 degrees?
92 degrees should feel lukewarm and be at approximately skin temperature. You wi...
Do you know of a source for a tool to cut open coconuts?
A pull saw to open coconuts can be purchased through the Silky Store by calling ...
How do I know if my coconut water has spoiled?
A shucked coconut should be white in color. If the meat or water has turned pink...
Where do I find young green coconuts?
Young green coconuts are available in most natural food stores and international...
Can I make kefir with packaged coconut water?
The kefir cultures in our Kefir Starter mainly rely on the sugars in the coconut water for fermentation, and these will be present in packaged, pasteurized coconut water as well as raw coconut water straight from young green coconuts. The main benefit of using raw coconut water is that it will retain many of the beneficial nutrients and enzymes that are lost in the pasteurization process, and it also may ferment more effectively. However, either one will culture just fine, as long as you ensure that the packaged coconut water is 100% coconut water with no preservatives or additives, as these may inhibit the fermentation process. It is also best to avoid packaged coconut water with unnecessary added sugars. If you are looking for a good packaged alternative, you might consider coconut water from www.exoticsuperfoods.com. Their coconut water is raw and unpasteurized unlike most store-bought brands. It is the closest you will get to young Thai coconut water straight from the coconuts. It would also be best to purchase any brand of packaged coconut water that is labeled raw and unpasteurized if possible.
How much kefir will I be able to make with your starter packets?
A box of six packets of Kefir Starter should make up to 48 batches in total, as you can make up to seven additional batches from each packet by transferring kefir from one batch to the next. This means that you can get a total of eight batches out of each packet of Kefir Starter. You can transfer a cup of Kefir from each batch to the next to make a gallon at a time. You can also make just a quart or half gallon at a time if you don't want that much kefir, by transferring six tablespoons (for a quart) or a half cup (for a half gallon) at a time rather than a cup. This means that in total, you can make up to six quarts plus 42 gallons of kefir from each box.