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The Body Ecology Diet

The Body Ecology Diet

Looking for a lifestyle that supports gut health and vitality? The Body Ecology Diet outlines a proven approach to balance your microbiome, improve digestion, and restore energy. It’s the ultimate resource for anyone ready to feel their best, natu... Read more

Looking for a lifestyle that supports gut health and vitality? The Body Ecology Diet outlines a proven approach to balance your microbiome, improve digestion, and restore energy. It’s the ultimate resource for anyone ready to feel their best, naturally.

Over 250,000 copies of The Body Ecology Diet have been sold ...mostly as a result of friends telling friends about it, not advertising. Why? It works!

The Body Ecology Diet shows you how to restore and maintain the important "inner ecology" your body needs to function properly and to eliminate or control the symptoms that rob you of the joy of living.

The Body Ecology Diet makes it easy for you to:

  • Plan meals with dozens of delectable recipes, menus, and detailed shopping lists!
  • Learn simple principles of proper eating and food combining to rebalance your internal ecology.
  • Use effective cleansing methods to restore your system's harmony.
  • Develop strategies for controlling your urge to snack and for dining away from home.


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Jessica Biel, Actress

"Body Ecology emphasizes the importance of what we put into our bodies and teaches a way of eating that makes me feel like I am in control of my health and in tune with my body's intuitive needs"

What leading experts are saying about the Body Ecology Diet:

"No one has ever put together all that we need to know about recovering and enhancing immunity - until now. I am making it a must reading for all my patients with candidiasis, immune disorders and food allergies." - Keith W. Sehnert, M.D., author of Selfcare/Wellcare, Stress/Unstress, and coauthor of Beyond Antibiotics

"The Body Ecology Diet is easy to understand and chock full of practical information. I recommend it!" - William G. Crook, M.D., author of The Yeast Connection and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

If you experience pain, discomfort, fatigue, or other symptoms that won't go away no matter what you do or how many doctors you see, chances are you're one of the 80 million Americans unknowingly suffering from candidiasis, the hidden invader. The result of an imbalance in the growth of a yeast naturally present in the body, candidiasis can be a key factor in:

  • Food allergies
  • Sensitivity to tobacco and odors
  • Digestive problems
  • Other immune-related disorders
  • Headaches
  • Depression
  • Cancer
  • AIDS
  • Skin rashes
  • Low sex drive
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Menstrual irregularities

"The Body Ecology Diet brings us into the era of whole-body therapy. I don't think the authors left anything out." Lendon H. Smith, M.D., author of Feed Your Kids Right, Feed Yourself Right, and coauthor of Beyond Antibiotics

"The Body Ecology Diet takes the mystery out of the often confusing topic of eating for optimum health. Donna Gates' book combines recent scientific thought with proven traditional healing concepts and common sense..." - Michael A. Schmidt, M.D., author of Tired of Being Tired, Managing the Patient with Chronic Fatigue, and coauthor of Beyond Antibiotics

Comments from happy customers of the Body Ecology Diet:

"...The Body Ecology Diet (BED) is how I finally recovered from bulimia & binge eating – after 4 years on the path to recovery (and trying just about everything for longer than that). I am a big proponent for experimenting with things on the level of mind, body and spirit in recovery from addictions & eating disorders. The BED supports this because it honors the ability of the body to heal itself – step by step. That’s the key, it’s a process of taking actions, no matter how small, toward your health. ...speaking to Donna was like someone finally understood what my intuition was telling me. ...Donna is a visionary in treating the body as a system – connected inextricably with the mind." – From

"For me, the courage to get well didn't come easily. Physically and emotionally I was very defeated, but I began to feel better within a few days of starting the diet. I can honestly say that I didn't know it was possible to feel as good as I do, and it gets easier each day. I know it sounds dramatic, but I tell people that it has saved my life. My family and I are very grateful." - N.V. Marietta, GA

"I really think that the BED system of healing is a diet that can become a lifestyle, not just a short term program." - K.M.

"The BED system of healing has revolutionized my life. Your book helped to diagnose my condition and with the help of my doctor, I am now 4 months into recovering my body, mind and spirit. This "insanity" which has been going on for years is finally under control and I am regaining my precious health. How can I thank you enough for writing the diet bible of this century." - N.N. Shelburne, VT

"I am 69 and have been using probiotic foods for many yearsand I am in very good health. I never get flu shots or any other kind either. Diet is the best medicine." - Sharon Redding, CA

"My son was diagnosed with Autism over two years ago. His body had lots of the wrong bacteria and it struggled to break down proteins adequately - no more. The Kefir breaks the protein down for him and gives him the bacteria and enzymes he needs to gain nutrients from his food. His ability to think and speak has improved remarkably. He was prone to panic attacks and had a compulsive obsessive disorder - this has also greatly improved. I am so grateful to you for making this possible." - Natasha, Sydney, NSW

"The BED diet has saved my life! At the age of 51, I now havea clean and clear inner eco system. The diet has been excitingand difficult at the same time. But the results are the prize. Ifeel and look 35, as Donna promised. I tell everybody about thebook, and of course, you are going to be the best testimonial by the way you look to others. I always believed we are what we eat,but never to the degree of the principles of the BED diet, thank you Donna." - Jill, Waukesha, WI

"I wanted to write and thank you for giving me the knowledge that has saved my life. In March 2001 I went to a holistically minded physician who was the first to tell me I had a "gut problem". Klebsiella pneumonia with zero good bacteria. In April started doing what she said and it really didn't help. I went through her regiment for 2 months. The end of May I started the Body Ecology Diet principles. When the end of July came I was"Cured" of about 90% of all of my lifelong problems. This lasted for a 2 month period of time. The reason is my wife had to have surgery which stopped the cooking and eating correctly. Then massive stress with many other life changes occurred. I knew Ihad to get back to it. I let it lapse for almost 3 years before going back to it. What a waste of 3 years. I feel much better now. Not quite where I need to be due to just starting again andI haven't fully implemented the total program. One thing I did learn is life is precious. Just because we have been use to living this way for our entire lives or a good portion of it doesn't mean we have to do it anymore. Blessings to all on the path of health. Thank you Donna and The Body Ecology Team. It was great seeing you at the Conference in Oct. " - Ken, Las Vegas, NV


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