Fermented Foods: About Healthy Foods, Traditional Practices for a Better Diet

Fermented Foods: About Healthy Foods, Traditional Practices for a Better Diet

Fermented Foods: About Healthy Foods, Traditional Practices for a Better Diet

Modern Renditions Of Traditional Favorites

Several years ago I teamed up with a good friend and together we created coconut water kefir.

This wonderful drink offers a safe way to consume the beneficial bacteria and yeast that are normally found in cow milk kefir.

Coconut water kefir does is free of proteins that may irritate the lining of the gut. You can make your own coconut water kefir at home with the water of young coconuts and a starter culture.

If you are using whole young coconuts for their water, it is important not to waste the meat, which is full of valuable fats.

At Body Ecology, we teach others to make a coconut meat pudding or cheese. We simply scrape out the tender flesh of the young coconut and ferment it with a starter culture or a few tablespoons of homemade coconut water kefir.

Once I saw how many people value fermented foods that are easily accessible, I began creating other products that focus specifically on bringing fermented foods back into our everyday lives.

Vitality SuperGreen, Super Spirulina Plus, and our Body Ecology Probiotic Beverages all contain beneficial bacteria.

The foods in Vitality SuperGreen and Super Spirulina Plus are fermented. This means they contain colonies of friendly bacteria. This also means that each and every vitamin, mineral, and phytonutrient is easy to digest and easy to absorb.


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