Fermented Foods: Diet and Immune Health, Healthy Foods Which Deliver a Healthful Boost

Fermented Foods: Diet and Immune Health, Healthy Foods Which Deliver a Healthful Boost

Fermented Foods: Diet and Immune Health, Healthy Foods Which Deliver a Healthful Boost

Fermented Foods Build A Strong And Resilient Inner Ecosystem

Unfortunately, many people now eat the standard American diet (SAD). This means refined seed oils, lots of sugar, and worst of all– no fermented foods.

Fermented foods help with the digestion of a meal. This is because the enzymes in fermented food are still intact. These enzymes help the body to break down food into its usable parts.

Fermented foods also help to replenish and maintain a healthy inner ecosystem.

The digestive tract is not just a hollow pathway that breaks down food. All along the digestive tract are unique communities of bacteria and yeast that interact with our immune system.

The bacteria found in the mouth are different than the bacteria you will find in the small intestine. Which are both different than the bacteria that are found in the large intestine. These unique communities make up what we call our inner ecosystem.

Every time we eat fermented foods, we nourish our inner ecosystem.


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