

How much does your IBS have to do with your

Research has proven time and again that your gut health is linked to your emotional wellbeing. Looking for a simple...

Improve Your Memory and Focus!

Even though your brain represents just 2% of your body weight, it receives a massive 20-25% of your energy. (1)...

Top 5 Foods That Damage Your Digestion

For every one human cell, there are 10 bacteria. Many of these bacteria live inside the intestines—mostly the large intestine....

Is Candida Sabotaging Your Detox? How Candida Overgrowth Can Inhibit

While detoxes are popular, especially in the spring and summer, they can cause more harm than good if leaky gut...

Living with Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Success Begins in the Gut!

Anyone who has experienced Irritable Bowel Syndrome knows how horrible it can make you feel. But did you know that...

The Truth About Acne, Stress, and Constipation

Question: What do acne, mood disorders, and constipation all have in common? Emotional stress affects all aspects of digestion. Answer:...

The Best-Kept Secret of the Century! Fermented Foods and Your

Real ferments pop. They bubble beneath a liquid brine. They have enough snap in them to chase away a crampy...

Keeping Your Kids Healthy After Halloween: Coming Down from the

If your kids are feeling a little foggy, achy, or sniffly after Halloween, they are responding to the massive sugar...

How to Get Radiant Skin: From Acne to Eczema, Kiss

Whether it is acne or eczema, most skin disorders have one thing in common: inflammation. Inflammation can be triggered in...

Are You an Emotional Eater? How to Use Food to

A cup of coffee to brighten your morning, a glass of wine with dinner to unwind, a pint of Häagen-Dazs...

Parasite alert: 3 warning signs to watch out for

The defining characteristic of a parasite is being an organism that benefits at the expense of another. While this seems...

Why Fermented Foods May Be the Next Big Antidepressant

Gut microbes may influence your behavior. Researchers have now confirmed what once seemed impossible: Microbes generate neurochemicals! Research is starting...

How to Prevent and Heal Heart Disease & Other Diseases

Hear a good joke today? Don’t hold back when it comes to laughing. Research shows that people who laugh may...

Would You Like to “Clean” Yourself Emotionally? Then Start by

When was the last time you felt guilty? Perhaps you told a white lie to get out of a lunch...

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