
All Body Ecology Articles

How to Heal Naturally: A Behind-the-Scenes Interview with Donna Gates

Donna Gates attributes a heart of service to her passion for helping people heal. Learn how she created the Body...

Conscious Parenting with Meg Brown: Back to School

At Body Ecology, our mission is to improve the health and happiness of adults and children.  Along the way, we...

Mangosteen to Maca Part 2: The Body Ecology Guide to

Curious about the new superfroods, like maca root and yacon syrup? Find out the benefits AND detractors t these new...

Suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Disease? The Body Ecology

Are you still suffering from IBS? Stop taking prescription drugs and get to the root of the problem! We’ll teach...

The Ideal Diet for Those with Celiac Disease and Gluten

Are you still feeling unwell after going gluten-free? You only fixed a piece of the puzzle. To repair and heal, your...

“Obesity Rates Ballooning” – Here’s What You REALLY Need to

Obesity is at an all-time high in the US, and is still growing! Real, sustainable weight loss IS possible with...

If You Want to Detoxify Your Body, Here is Why

Are you suffering from blocked detoxification pathways and mineral deficiencies? Find out why fresh vegetables no longer contain the minerals...

13 of the Planet’s Healthiest Seaweeds and Sea Vegetables

No time to make sea veggies? Don’t like the taste? You can still get all the benefits! For a real,...

Food, Inc. Movie Review: “You’ll Never Look At Dinner the

Food, Inc. reveals how our food system has been taken over by big business, leaving us with cheap processed foods...

Natto – The Little Known Food with Big Benefits for

Haven’t yet tried natto? Body Ecology will explain how this fermented soybean dish from Japan increases all-around wellness and youthfulness,...

The Little-Known Dangers of EMFs and How To Protect You

You may have heard that electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are the cause of symptoms like cancer, insomnia and fatigue, but what...

“Junk Food Nation?” Beware of the New Line of Deceptively

Our governments think you might as well get some nutrients with your junk food, while the junk food industry hopes...

Can Probiotics Affect Your Moods, Behavior and Brain Health?

Did you know that the health of your intestines affects your moods, behavior and brain health? Find out the latest...

13 Celebrities with Illnesses and How Body Ecology Could Help

Celebrities entertain and these days, also educate us on the illnesses they face. Find out about the illnesses that your...

The Health Risks of Airplanes Going Wireless and How to

Flight travel is already stressful on your body. Now that many airlines are Wi-Fi on planes, Body Ecology can tell...

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