
All Body Ecology Articles

If Only Dr. Oz Knew About This Fermented Coconut Meat

You may know that beneficial flora in the gut empower the immune system throughout the body. Diet plays a large...

Why MyPlate Shouldn’t Be Your Plate: The Truth Behind Weight

The USDA recently released new food guidelines. Goodbye, food pyramid. The new guidelines are illustrated by a plate that is...

Top 4 Foods for Summer to Improve Your Health

Foods that are bitter and nourish the heart are called for during the summer season, as bitterness has a tendency...

The Body Ecology Guide to Weight Loss: It’s Simple!

Making a few lifestyle and dietary adjustments may significantly change how your body metabolizes fat.  Let's talk about how we...

Shocking Sunscreen Facts: What You Need to Know

Your skin is the largest organ in your body. Your skin is also the most susceptible organ to oxidative stress...

5 Cell Phone Radiation Protection Tips

1. Buy a low-radiation phone. When you pick up your phone and make a call, that call is transmitted and...

Bacteria that Heals Your Gut: Relief from Inflammatory Bowel Disorders

Your gastrointestinal tract is an open door to the outside world. We are constantly ingesting all kinds of microorganisms with...

A solution to gastrointestinal distress: Use probiotics for bloating

Intestinal bloating. Maybe you ate something that you thought you could digest, only to discover that an hour or two...

How to Change Your Health Now: Introducing the Core Programs

If you have been on the Body Ecology Diet for any length of time, you may have found yourself “cheating”...

Diet Myths Revealed! Simple Guidelines for Healthy Food Choices

With a little experimentation and planning, following the Body Ecology principles can be easy. We have all been there. Unsure...

Learn to Listen to Your Body: Everyday Diet Tips to

If you are new to the Body Ecology Diet or yo-yo on and off the diet, you may wonder, “How...

Can Bacteria Transplant Therapy Remedy Life-Threatening Infections?

On a daily basis, scientific studies emerge that further refine our understanding of gut microbiota. This friendly bacteria that take...

Healing Gut Permeability: What You Need to Know

Brush border enzymes are embedded in the tiny microvilli of the small intestine. The small intestine, with a surface area...

A must-read for athletes: Help for exercise burnout and weakened

A 2011 study published in the Nutrition Journal revealed that competitive male cyclists using a probiotic supplement had a 50-percent...

Is Dr. Oz Right? The Truth About the Latest Anti-Aging

Recently, a powerful phytochemical, called astaxanthin, has been in the public eye more than ever before. On the Dr. Oz...

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