
All Body Ecology Articles

Quick Fix Detox Diets Take a Hit

Detox is a buzz word. Detox promises relief from a myriad of diseases and symptoms of poor health. But, according...

The Power of Choice And The Power of Change!

By Donna Gates, as seen on: Mahatma Gandhi said it well when he told us, “We need to be the...

It’s Time To Celebrate Life & To Celebrate Health!

By Donna Gates, as seen on: During the holidays what do we always do, year after year? We string lights...

Make Sure Physical & Emotional Health Are At The Top

By Donna Gates, as seen on: The holidays are the time when people look back over the year that was...

Healthy Eating Tips for the Holidays

In order to avoid packing on holiday pounds, friends or relatives may tell you to pass on the whipped cream,...

Your Gut Can Influence How You Feel: It All Starts

In the most recent issue of Psychology Today, Dan Hurley explores the fascinating connection between the brain and the gut...

Remember This One Immune-Boosting Tip That You Can Travel Anywhere

By Donna Gates, as seen on: The holidays are a time of celebration, family and friends and travel. Unfortunately, this...

Donna Gates Interview

As seen on: Donna Gates Takes the Body Ecology Principles to a New Level to Help the Baby Boomers Grow...

Why Wait for the New Year for a New You?

In traditions worldwide, families celebrate the time around the winter solstice with holidays, such as Christmas and Chanukah. In one...

3 steps to keep your immune system strong and prevent

While getting a cold or a stomach flu is typically more of an annoyance than anything, for some of us,...

Are You Managing Your Stress? The Secret To Health &

By Donna Gates, as seen on: Would you like to know the most important health secret that many of us...

Yellow or Green Phlegm? Sounds Like a Bacterial Infection

Scientists recently confirmed what many of us have guessed all along: that green or yellow phlegm indicates a bacterial infection....

Could Your Multivitamin Be Making You Sick?

According to two large studies released this past month, there is reason to reconsider popping your one-a-day multi. (1) These...

Mineral Supplement Safety! Are You Getting What You Need?

Over the last couple of weeks, a popular mineral supplement has received a great deal of scrutiny. We have received...

One Health Tip That Will Keep You Young – Inside

By Donna Gates, as seen on: Everyone wants to look younger and feel younger. When we are young our bodies...

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