
All Body Ecology Articles

Arsenic in Our Food Supply: Which “Healthy” Food May Be

Inorganic arsenic can be as much as 600 times more toxic than some forms of organic arsenic. Over the last...

Women’s Health Update: This Toxin Puts You at Risk for

Acetaldehyde is a common chemical that you can find in both the natural world and as a part of industrial...

3 Ways Candida Albicans Outwits Your Defenses | Candida Spores

The spectrum of disorders related to Candida overgrowth is wide. Candida albicans is opportunistic yeast that is found in every...

Be Your Best You! Cleansing With the Seasons!

By Donna Gates, as seen on: As the winter season approaches, many of us are given once last chance to...

Suffering from a Hormone Imbalance? Fix Your Digestion First

It isn't uncommon to hear coworkers complaining about how tired they are — because we are. Most of us spend...

Constipation and Diarrhea: What Is Your Bowel Movement Telling You?

What comes out of the body is just as important as what goes in. In other words, the frequency, consistency,...

Thank You and Goodbye Breathing!

By Donna Gates, as seen on: According to the ancient practice of Chinese medicine, autumn is controlled by the element...

Recovering from an Eating Disorder: Deeper Healing for Anorexia, Bulimia,

Overcoming an eating disorder can be tough. Disordered eating often follows a rollercoaster of restriction and binge eating. Your relationship...

Deciphering Egg Labels: Where to Find the Best Eggs

While many doctors still warn their patients about the dangers of too many eggs and high cholesterol, we now know...

How to Stay on the Path Regardless of Criticism!

By Donna Gates, as seen on: Have you ever committed to a massive change and been met with criticism from...

Are You Anemic? Going Beyond Iron Supplements

Anemia is broadly understood as a deficiency of red blood cells. The chief role of red blood cells is to...

Back to School Basics: 3 Immune-Boosting Tools You Can Find

With October just around the corner, the air is crisp, and school is back in full swing. Just because this...

Miracles Are Available to Us Everyday!

By Donna Gates, as seen on: Last week I stopped by the butcher counter at my local supermarket. As the...

The Reality of Losing Weight: Calories to Avoid and Food

As the size of our nation’s average waistline continues to increase, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has decided to...

The ‘miraculous’ benefits of breast milk aren’t just for babies

According to the CDC's Healthy People 2030 Breastfeeding Objectives, the goal is to have 54.1 percent of babies breastfed until...

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