
All Body Ecology Articles

Can Genetics Explain an Unhealthy Gut?

Recent research into genetics has revealed that our genetic makeup influences our gut health as much as diet and lifestyle....

Want Luscious Locks? 3 Must-Have Beautiful Hair Nutrients

Healthy hair has more to do with what goes into your body than what you put on it. One sign...

2 Cruciferous Vegetables Make It Possible to Absorb Vitamin D

We are not so much what we eat but what we absorb. Vitamin D is essential for intestinal health. Vitamin...

Stop Wrinkles at the Source

Even though fruit sugar is unprocessed and natural, that doesn’t make it “safe.” While sun damage can play a big...

4 Steps to Say Goodbye to Acne

Why do we use antibacterial creams and harsh soaps when acne begins deep inside the body? Acne isn’t just skin...

Hashimoto’s Unlocked: The Key to a Sluggish Thyroid

Hashimoto’s disease isn’t just a name we use to describe hypothyroidism, or an underactive thyroid. Women, especially after pregnancy and...

How Candida Manipulates Your Biology: 4 Ways to Fight Back!

The more we rely on antifungal drugs, the more we contribute to the spread of drug-resistant strains. Candida is an...

Raw Milk Gains Popularity: Is It Right for You?

In most states, raw milk is hard to come by. Raw milk from healthy animals contains compounds that can fight...

Beware of dangers lurking in your barbecue foods

If you're currently living the Body Ecology Way, then you’ve hopefully been eating probiotic-rich foods. You know these foods act...

Body Ecology Culture Starter: Selina Naturally

Probiotics aren’t a health fad. They date back thousands of years to when humans first began intentionally fermenting foods. Fermentation...

5 Ways to Combat Stress Eating

Emotional eating is when we eat for any reason other than to nourish the body. It’s when emotions or memories...

Artichoke Leaf: The #1 Antioxidant You Haven’t Heard About

Valuable plant chemicals in artichoke leaf survive digestion to help control the metabolic signs of type 2 diabetes. Over a...

Beyond Gluten: Are You Having Trouble with Cross-Reactive Foods?

Recently, on the Body Ecology Facebook Fan Page, Justine P. asked: “Hi there, I'm a bit confused as BE says...

Cavities and Candida: How to Protect Your Family’s Teeth

Many of us grew up learning that sugar rots our teeth, but a new study reveals more of the story....

Pregnant? How to Help Prevent a Dangerous Choline Deficiency

Choline is especially important in protecting the integrity of our DNA—it supports cell metabolism and cell division. Most prenatal vitamins...

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