
If You Want to Live Longer You Need to Know How to Manage “Tangles and Plaques”

How’s your memory? If you want to prolong your brain’s functioning and your life, then you need to know about tangles and brain plaque, formations in your brain that may cause Alzheimer’s.

Have you heard of tangles and plaques? (And we’re not talking about the hair or teeth variety.)

Your brain may have the beginnings of tangles and brain plaque that lead to forgetfulness, Alzheimer’s, and eventually death. Fortunately, there are some easy ways to keep tangles and plaques from killing your valuable brain cells so that you live a long and healthy life!

What Are Tangles and Plaques?

Neurofibrillary tangles and beta amyloid plaques are found in abnormal amounts in the brains of people who die from Alzheimer’s, but to some extent, everyone eventually has some of these structures in their brains.

  • Tangles are twisted fibers that build up inside your nerve cells.
  • Plaques are dense and insoluble deposits of sticky proteins outside and around your neurons.

Both tangles and brain plaque cause the nerve cells in your brain to stop working, lose connection with other nerve cells, and eventually die. Tangles and plaque build up in areas of your brain that control memory, personality, and day-to-day functioning.

But getting older does not mean that you will develop a dangerous amount of tangles and brain plaques, lose your memory or develop Alzheimer’s.

In fact, your choices may affect your brain’s health years from now.

Activity for Alzheimer’s

New studies are showing that you may be able to prevent and slow down the development of tangles and brain plaque with changes in your diet and lifestyle.

Here are 3 important steps to keep your memory sharp:

  1. Exercise. Research shows that your body may have the ability to clear sticky proteins that cause Alzheimer’s. Exercise increases blood flow to the brain, decreases cortisol, boosts your immunity and increases the number of synaptic connections between your brain cells.
  2. Keep your heart healthy. There is a connection between Alzheimer’s and heart disease, so make sure your blood pressure and cholesterol are at reasonable levels. The Body Ecology program is great for improving heart health because it emphasizes antioxidant-rich, probiotic foods, lots of vegetables and a variety of high-quality healthy oils and fats.
  3. Stay mentally active. That means reading, crossword puzzles, socializing. Do whatever activities you enjoy that make you think, interactand use those neurons.

Brain plaque, sticky proteins, and dense tangles eventually develop in most people, but you can do your best to keep them from affecting your life. Choosing to live a Body Ecology lifestyle is the perfect way to positively impact your current and future health. Our program was specifically designed to help your body heal itself and to prevent aging.

Jumping on a mini-trampoline (rebounder) is one of the best exercises you can do for your body. This no-impact activity stimulates blood flow, digestion and synaptic connections in your brain that are essential for optimal brain functioning. Softbounce rebounders from Needak are the best rebounders on the market. Get yours and get going today!

With exercise being such an important component for brain health, we recommend rebounding.
This easy, convenient and fun exercise is no-impact and perfect for all fitness levels!

Rebounding can:

  • Jump start your metabolism
  • Detox your body
  • Encourage lymph drainage
  • Improve your digestion
  • Relieve constipation
  • Strengthen your cardiovascular system
  • Increase blood flow

If you are in the market for your very own rebounder, we recommend Softbounce rebounders from Needak. They offer the highest quality, American-made mini-trampolines on the market. They even come with an optional hand rail if you want to reduce your risk for injury.

Tangles, sticky proteins and brain plaques do not have to mean forgetfulness, Alzheimer’s and early death. With plenty of activity (both the mental and physical varieties) as well as a healthy diet, you may reduce the likelihood that you develop these formations in your brain and prolong your healthy life.


Jarvik, Elaine, “Key to Alzheimer’s may be exercise,” Deseret News, 8 Sep 2006. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4188/is_20061208/ai_n16897883
2 De-Gunking is Alzheimer’s Focus, CBSNews.com. 7 Sep, 2004. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/09/07/health/main641672.shtml
“Researchers find evidence that brain ‘plaque’ causes Alzheimer’s,” CNN.com.
“Research into sticky protein helps explain Alzheimer’s,” Associated Press, 22 Sep 2006. http://www.sptimes.com/2006/09/22/Worldandnation/Research_into_sticky_.shtml

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