
Sugar Substitute

4 Natural Ways to Curb Your Appetite

If you experience cravings, you might feel like the potato chips and chocolate are literally calling you from your kitchen cupboard....

Why Diet Coke Plus, Vitamin Water, and Other Popular “Vitamin

Ever check the list of ingredients on a bottle of Vitamin Water? If you do, you’ll see why you are...

Why are These Refreshing Smoothies Ideal for Your Health and

So you want to make smoothies but aren’t sure what fruit to use in your fruit smoothies recipes? Here’s your...

The brief history of Stevia: the healthiest sugar alternative

Stevia rebaudiana is a plant native to South America that is 200 to 300 times sweeter than sugar. Full of...

After 10+ Years with Ulcerative Colitis, What Transformed this Woman’s

Jacy Barber suffered from ulcerative colitis and chronic yeast infections for over 10 years until she found the Body Ecology...

How to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease: Body Ecology’s Top 8 Steps

In the past decade, Alzheimer’s awareness has made great strides, but many of us don’t realize that Alzheimer’s still remains...

Industry Often Cons the Public with “Probiotic Foods”: A Case

Ice cream with probiotics...fad or fraud? Don’t be fooled by the processed foods industry...there’s a better way to good health!...

7 Things Worth Teaching Our Children and Remembering Ourselves

At Body Ecology, our mission is to improve the health and happiness of adults and children. Along the way, we...

Body Ecology’s Sweet and Sour Savory Cabbage

Body Ecology Lakanto All-Natural Sweetener is the healthiest, safest, most delicious and versatile sugar substitute available because it has: Zero...

Are You Sure You Know ALL The Dangers of Sugar?

Humans love sweet-tasting foods. It's a flavor we dearly enjoy and should not feel guilty for wanting. After all, our...

Erythritol: What you need to know about this natural sugar

Used as a natural sweetener, erythritol is about 60 to 80% as sweet as sucrose (sugar). It is used primarily...

29 Most Important Things You Can Do to Improve Your

Are you ready to once and for all, feel your best? Start today by picking just one of the 29...

Luo Han Guo: The Essentials and Interesting Insights You Need

The exotic and rare luohanguo has been favored as a sweet remedy for colds, coughs, and gastrointestinal disorders for centuries....

The Ultimate “Eat This Instead of That” Body Ecology Guide

You might think that cereal is the breakfast of champions, but there are better ways to start your day. Find...

Chilled Hiziki Sea Veggie Salad with Lakanto No-Calorie Natural Sweetener

This delicious recipe features hiziki, a wild sea vegetable from the pure waters off eastern Japan that is one of...

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